Chapter Twenty

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Martha's POV

-It has been exactly a year since she had left The Doctor and her friends.

I catch a glimpse of a light ahead, the night darker than most. Slowing the boat down, I swing my legs over the sides and fall onto the sand, water only coming up to my ankles.

Waving to the two other men who occupied the boat, I thank them before sprinting off and up the sand, towards a devilishly-handsome man, inspecting me.

"What's your name then?" I breath out, slightly exhausted from running. "Tom. Milligan." Tom says, looking across the beach before looking to me again. "No need to ask who you are. Famous Martha Jones. How long since you were last in Britain?" He questions as I casually look to him.

"365 days." I say, looking across the water. Sighing, I look back at Tom who has a raised eyebrow. "It's been a long year."

Starting to walk down the beach, I follow behind Tom who was staring forward. "So what's the plan?" He asks. "There's a Mrs Docerty, I need to see her. Can you get me there?" I quickly look to him before locking my eyes forward.

"She works in a repair shed near nuclear plan 7, I can get you inside." He says, his voice questioning. "What's this all for? What's so important about her? " Tom quizzes as I frown slightly.

"Sorry. The more you know the more you're at risk." I said, a tad harsher than I meant it to be. I see him look at me for a few seconds before turning away again.

"There's a lot of people depending on you. You're... A bit of a legend." Tom smirks ever so slightly as I roll my eyes, laughing slightly.

"What does the legend say?" I ask as waves crashed in the distance. "You sailed the Atlantic, walked across America, that you're the only person to get out of Japan alive." He says as I gaze sadly at the sand.

"Martha Jones they say, she's gunna save the world." Tom sighs, before straightening his posture up again. "Bit late for that." He finishes, a tinge of sadness hidden in his words.

We continue walking in silence, before heading onto land and towards a car. "How come you can drive? Don't you get stopped?" I question, seeing his car parked behind a large bush. "Medical staff. Used to be a paediatric back in the old days. That gets me access to travel so I can go to labour camps." Tom explains, climbing into the vehicle.

"Great. I'm traveling with a Doctor." I say, mostly to myself, smiling before climbing into the car myself.

"Story goes you're the only one person on earth that can kill him. That you and you alone can kill The Master stone dead." Tom tells me, glancing at me hopefully.

Putting my seatbelt on I turn, facing him fully on the seat. "Let's just drive." I say, clearly signally that I don't want to talk about it anymore.

I stared out the window, yet could feel Tom's burning eyes watching me for a few seconds longer. Giving up, he slowly starts the car and reverses back, before driving on forward.

I have been waiting for this moment.

Back to Kayla's POV

"Citizens rejoice. Your lord and master stands on high. Playing track 3." I hear echo around, making me sigh deeply. I'm beginning to hate track 3.

Well, life has changed since before The Master went nuts again. It's changed a lot. Torture, is a word I immediately think. Slaved his another. In my case, both subjects were used.

Remember that song I once sang out of the blue? That weird, catchy tune of I Can't Decide? Yeah, everyday he now likes to put on 'Track 3' which is the exact song. So I've grown quite sick of it now.

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