Chapter Twenty-Five

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Martha's POV

My eyes widened, breath ragged and shallow. The sound of clicks of guns readying echoed around, making everyone freeze. They were scared. Scared for their lives. "I'll give you the order, unless you surrender." His sickening voice calls from outside, making a cold shiver travel down my spine. "Tell yourself, what would The Doctor do?"

An idea suddenly filled my mind, my hand having a mind of its own, savaging my pockets and taking out my enclave with key. Shakily, I slip it on over my head and let it wave around loosely. Standing up, I place the coat gently aside before walking past their pitied gazes, not making a sound.

I slowly lower Tom's gun, as his eyes snap to mine. Quickly standing up he looks to me in confusion as I simply stare back. I give him a look, as if it'll be the last time I ever see him again. Which it probably is.

Giving him one last sorrowful look, I swing open the front door and walk straight into The Master's vision. "Oh! Yes! Well done! Oh very well done!" He exclaimed from the middle of the street, clapping madly. "He trained you well." He grinned to me as I ever so slowly approach him.

"Bag. Gimme the bag." The Master commands, reaching inside his jacket pocket. I look to the ground, face blank of emotions before going to take a step forward. "No, stay there. Throw it."

Still staring at him challengingly, I take off my rucksack that contained my gun and four elements and throw it over to him. Whipping out his laser and pointing it to my bag, a bright yellow laser shot out hit it. The bag erupted into flames.

"And now, good companion, your work is done." The Master said simply, now pointing the laser at me.

I flinch back, turning my head to the right. Squeezing my eyes shut I prepare for the worst. "NO!" Yelled an extremely familiar voice, making me snap open my eyes and tremble at the sight of Tom running straight to The Master, his gun outstretched in front of him.

My heart stopped, seeing a yellow beam instantly fly over and strike Tom in the heart. Time slowed as I stared at the now lifeless body of my friend, Tom. Determined not to show how much he hurt me, I look up at The Master, (whom was laughing like it was casual banter) and watched his actions, emotionless. I will not brake. Not now.

"But you, when you die The Doctor should be witness." The Master breathed out, nodding to himself as if making his mind up. A minute or two passed of silence. He inhaled deeply, breathing out slowly. "Almost dawn, Martha. And planet earth marches to war."

Kayla's POV

"Citizens of earth rejoice and observe!"

Shakily breathing out my face blank of emotion, I walk slowly out of my 'room'.
Two guards that are heavily armoured took one of my arms each, practically dragging me along the oh-so-familiar hallway.

My throat was burning from lack of water, bags were visible under my eyes and my stomach had thinned slightly. They had offered me food to eat, but I would not accept nor eat it. I do not trust anybody anymore.

I dare not look at my appearance, for I know I will hate what I'd see. I could feel my tangled hair against my back. My hands and face were dirty, as was my whole body. At least I got a fresh pair of clothes. Once.

It was horrible, being in that cell. You're alone, so alone. It's just me, myself and I. Unless you want to count your thoughts as someone to talk to. I wouldn't let anybody and I mean anybody be alone with their thoughts for too long. Who knows what they could do to themselves.

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