Chapter 3: We Wish You No Deliveries

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+*+ PIP +*+

The third day of December seemed like an ordinary day as always to Pip, but considering the fact that it was December, that made it so much more different. For one, instead of the usual scenery outside the window, the entire world was coated in snow, something Pip would be eternally grateful for each winter.

The wind was also much colder too, Pip thought as he took a sniff of the warm air filled with the smells of tasty Christmas treats. The heaters were one thing he didn't like her at this time of year, but he did like the soft Christmas songs bursting forth from the speakers when there was no announcement.

"And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof," K.C. read as she sat cross-legged on the floor of the nursery, reading, from the book she was holding, one of her favorites Christmas stories.

Pip listened to the passage well, never quite memorising it, despite K.C. having read it to the babies for the past two days. He looked at his forever flamingo friend and they exchanged smiles.

Pip ran towards his friend and held out his wings as if he was holding reins and Freddy started marching in place as he clicked his tongue, making a believable reindeer.

K.C. laughed lovingly at the two birds as her eyes travelled back towards her story book and continued reading, "As I drew in my—"

Pip raised his eyebrows at the sudden interruption, exchanging a confused look with Freddy. K.C. seemed to be preoccupied with something, turning her head towards the entrance of the nursery, with the babies following her gaze. Pip and Freddy decided to look there, too, and at the bottom of the yellow slide was another penguin.

"Precilla!" K.C. exclaimed, placing the book down on her seat as she stood up and walked over to her, wrapping her in an embrace, "Glad you could make it!"

    Precilla smiled as K.C. hugged her and she hugged her back just as tightly.

   "Precilla?" Pip asked, quite having a hard time pronouncing the new name, whoever it belonged to.

    Their koala friend stepped away and gestured to Precilla with her arms out wide.

     Pip and Freddy finally caught sight of Precilla. She gasped around the same time as they did, not quite knowing what to expect.

    Freddy wrapped his long wings around Pip with a wide smile on his beak. "Pip! You have a new penguin buddy!"

"Y-Yeah..." Pip said with his eyes still wide and an eyebrow raised. He turned to Freddy with a playful smile. "You can let go of me now, Freddy"

   Pip could feel the new penguin's eyes not leave him and he looked around the nursery, trying to preoccupy himself and just basically trying to avoid thinking.

K.C. just smiled as she placed her paws on her hips, her satisfied smile and more relaxed posture making it obvious that she was happy that they all finally met each other in the feather.

    "Uh... Hi, Precilla?" Pip said with an eyebrow still raised, but his eyes still blank from the shock that another penguin actually existed here.

"Hi," Precilla said in a voice devoid of any expression, which made the tiniest bit of fear blossom in Pip. This was a wild card for sure.

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