Part 6

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Alex's POV
God it was such a long conversation between the two lovebirds. They are finally together and I wouldn't want it any other way. I do have my worries though. Lena has a constant target on her back. What would happen to her if her mother found out she's dating Supergirl. I would hope they are smart about who they tell about their relationship to. I brushed off the thought right after I had noticed J'onn was in the DEO. I ran to him to tell him everything. I forgot he could read minds so he already knew. I called Maggie and informed her. I was so proud of my little sister and her girl. I hope there can be peace between them wether it be their relationship or life itself.

J'onn's POV
I came to the DEO to find a peaceful feeling. It seems that Kara and Lena fixed unwanted tension. I thought it was great that they have each other. I as well as Alex have my doubts. I don't doubt that the relationship will last more of the dangers of them being together. Lena Luthor isn't a huge danger more like she's in danger. She's had so many assassin attempts that she should be guarded at all times. She knows how to hold her own but even that will get tiring. Personally I think they should keep their relationship a secret from anyone but the people at the DEO and those who know them well. Any workers shouldn't know they're together.

The Next Day

Lena's POV
I went to Catco to see Kara since technically I am her boss so no one should suspect anything. I do worry that Kara will get hurt. Only a few people know she's Supergirl. I needed to find a stupid excuse to talk to her. It's around lunchtime so I could just give her money to go get me something. I don't want her to be on her own nor do I want to be on my own. I wish dating wasn't so hard. It's only because I'm a Luthor and she's a Super. Kara seemed stressed about something. I was worried but there were workers around so I couldn't say anything so I texted her.

Lena: I see the look on your face what's wrong? Yes, before you ask I'm in my office and your desk isn't that far away outside the door but I'm trying to hide our relationship as best as I can to keep both of us safe.
Kara: How cute, it's just I'm worried. We both know that both of us are good at hiding things but anything could slip. We don't know who's watching and listening.
Lena: Kara we protect each other no matter what. If someone finds out I'm sure J'onn can track them down and erase their memory. I hope it won't come to that though.
Kara: Same, id hate for anyone to get hurt because they heard the wrong information. Well not wrong but none of their business.

I was about to reply back until I heard beeping. I didn't know what it was. I looked at the couch and noticed this small device. The beeping became quicker and I realized it was a bomb. I panicked but I wasn't able to get out since the bomb was at the exit of my office. Suddenly everything goes dark. I didn't know what had happened. The bomb went off and that was it.

Kara's POV
I heard a loud bomb go off and I ran to where the sound was coming from. I needed to change somewhere so I changed in a small closet. I called Alex and told her to bring the DEO. When I saw where the bomb had gone off my heart sank. It went off in Lena's office and she was only a few feet away. I rushed in and looked through the debris and found her laying in a pile of glass and concrete. There was blood everywhere. I needed to get her to Alex and the medics. I flew her to Alex and her reaction made everything worse.

Alex: Shit Supergirl. She's hurt badly. We need to get back to the DEO immediately.

She was taken in right away. I changed out of my Supergirl outfit and into normal wear. I paced back and forth. She was covered in wounds made by the shattered glass. She had a huge gash on her neck probably made by a piece of concrete. The doctor said she was awake and stable to I rushed in. She looked so weak and hurt. I couldn't keep myself together. I broke down and started crying.

Lena: K-Kara I'm f-
Kara: Don't say you're fine. You could've died again! I could've lost you once more.
Lena: But you didn't. Supergirl acted fast and got me medical attention.
Kara: Sweetie everyone knows I'm Supergirl you don't need to specify
Lena: Oh well then I retract that statement. I had no idea everyone here knew.
Kara: Well I cant say I'm happy about that but what can I do.
Lena: Not much anyway when can I leave?
Kara: Nit until you're are better. I'm not allowing you to step foot in the office until I know you're safe.

I didn't realize I was being so stern and strict when I said that. I was surprised but impressed. I needed her to be safe. I knew she would be in the DEO so I left her and went to my place to rest. Alex spent the night at the DEO to watch over Lena for me which I'm great full for. J'onn has installed more cameras into Catco and L-Corp. They both need protection. I will stop at nothing to figure out who planted that bomb. Tomorrow Alex and I are going to investigate the scene and try to get info. Whoever has done this must know we are dating. My question is how?

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