Part 22

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Alex's POV
I helped set up a lot of the decorations for the bridal shower. We invited only a few people with a code to get in of course. Kara is wearing blue. I don't know what Lena is wearing she's making a grand entrance. Their theme is purple and silver. I approve of the color scheme. It's been at least 2 hours. Lena should be arriving shortly. I had Maggie pick her up so i'm not sure why she's taking so long.

Alex: Hey Kara can you text Lena and see where she is?

Kara: Sure she is late. I thought Maggie was getting her though.

Alex: She is but she hasn't texted me yet. We have to be careful remember?

Kara: Right...Hey Maggie did you pick up Lena?

Maggie: ...Kara she-she's not here I have a search team out.

Kara: Do you need my help?

Maggie: No I think I found something. It's a note she said she left herself.

Kara: To the party?

Maggie: Yes. I'll track her now.

Lena had left her house before Maggie got there. Next thing I see is Lena running through the door. She's wearing a purple suit. She looks out of breath. Kara and I ran to her and asked her the code. She told us the correct answer. Kara was angry but she couldn't make a scene. We celebrated and enjoyed ourselves. Apparently Lena wanted to show Kara that she can do this without protection. I don't disagree but Kara will cause a scene.

Lena's POV
I hope Kara isn't very mad. She's probably mad but I can take it. I saw Kara with her friends and I hoped everything was okay.

Kara: know I'm mad
Lena: ...I can't blame you but you can't keep me like a caged animal. I want to be free to roam like you.
Kara: I guess you're right but be cautious.
Lena: Of course.

The next week

Kara's POV
It was the wedding. Like always Lena was wearing an open back dress. She looks damn good in that dress. She's hot in one. Alex is coming with Maggie and they look amazing. They are a very cute couple. I walked down the isle and I saw my beautiful wife to be. She's the love of my life.

Lena's POV
I saw Kara and my heart dropped. She looked stunning. I wish I could kiss her right here right now. I held her hand when she got up to the alter. I want her to be mine and she is. Looks is a bonus but she is drop dead gorgeous.

Alex: Look strong Lena!
Lena: Shut up!
Alex: Fine be salty
Kara: Alex don't be harsh it's our wedding day.

After the vows

Alex's POV
They kissed and they were married. They will be the best couple. I can't wait to tease them on their anniversary. Maggie has some ideas about what we can do. They were beautiful brides.

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