Chapter Nine - A Healer? A Witch? A Ghost?

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Adriel groaned loudly as she stirred from her sleep, her side dully ached as she slowly pushed herself up from the bed, her eyes scanned across the small stone room straining to see in the darkness.

"How had I gotten here?"

She squinted and blinked a few times in a futile attempt to adjust her eyes. The large wooden door to Adriel's left creaked open revealing a smiling Eowyn. Adriel tilted her head in confusion, now squinting at the sudden light that streamed through the open door.

"Oh good you're awake," the blonde haired woman said softly as she walked towards Adriel, gently shutting the door behind her. Eowyn now wore a dark navy coloured dress, her long golden hair was pinned back in a bun at the base of her head. Adriel had only just noticed how beautiful she was, Adriel slumped back against the pillows as Eowyn approached her.

"What happened?" Adriel croaked as she mustered the strength to push the heavy blankets that were on top of her to the side, revealing that she was only wearing a large white tunic top that fell to the middle of her thighs. Adriel raised her eyebrows at Eowyn questioningly as she looked between her bare legs and the young maiden. Eowyn laughed as she approached a large wooden dresser at the end of the bed, Adriel continued to watch her with a confused expression plastered to her face. Her mind seemed blank, she could barely remember entering the golden hall.

"You were hit by a poisoned arrow before you arrived, you collapsed just outside of the hall. You have been asleep for two days," she explained as she pulled a dark moss coloured dress from the dresser, "the tunic is my brothers," she chuckled as she walked towards where Adriel now sat on the side of the bed, her bare legs dangling over the side. "You're very lucky to have survived," Eowyn said as she sat down beside Adriel, handing her the soft fabric. Adriel chuckled dryly. The Witch's eyes grew wide at the sudden realization that she did not know where the rest of the Fellowship was.

"Where is my company?" Adriel asked worriedly as she looked into Eowyn's steel grey eyes. Her throat felt like she had swallowed sand as she spoke. Another kind smile crossed over the woman's face as she reached up to place a hand on Adriel's good shoulder. Adriel flinched back slightly, her golden eyes scanning over the maiden in front of her. Eowyn slowly pulled her hand back before offering another kind smile.

"They are in the hall waiting for you. Once you bathe and get dressed I will take you to them," she said in an airy tone as she stood from the bed. Adriel wasted no time following after Eowyn, her bare feet hitting the cold stone floor. As Adriel stood up she stumbled forward slightly, gripping onto the bed's wooden frame. She closed her eyes, waiting for the stinging pain in her side to blossom only to feel nothing, her hands flew to her bandaged side. Adriel looked up to Eowyn slowly, her eyes tinged with confusion. Eowyn chuckled as she turned to once again gently grab Adriel's arm, "Our healer is very skilled," she said as she led Adriel into another room.

Adriel followed Eowyn into the now brightly lit hall, the hearths that lined the middle of the room were now blazing and emitting a comforting warmth that spread across the golden hall. Her legs were still wobbly, her hands shaking from the exertion it had taken to bathe herself. The moss coloured dress that Adriel wore gently swept across the ground as she silently walked over the stone floor, its long sleeves covered most of the crisp white bandages that were wrapped around her shoulder and half way down her bicep. Its deep neckline showed her mother's necklace; the dark crystal seemed to glow slightly in the fire light, the golden chain shining. Her hair hung in slightly damp curls that gently framed her face, her golden eyes still weary. Adriel looked over to where Theoden sat on his throne, Gandalf was perched on a small stool next to the king. Relief washed over the Witch's senses as her eyes met the wizards. She smiled over to the white wizard, his eyes seemed to light up as he looked at Adriel.

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