Ryan's death

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Brendon was on his way to the bridge with Ryan he was so excited to kill him, he could finally be with the burrito. They reached the bridge and Brendon got out of the car, "I love you breadbin urine" Ryan looked at him and smiled. "HAHAHAHAHHAH" accidentally did his evil laugh out loud, Ryan didn't think anything of it. Brendon got as close to the edge as possible in hopes that Ryan would follow him and it would be easier to push him off the edge. And Ryan did jus that, he followed Brendon to the edge. "Great view isn't it?" Ryan said Brendon smiled, "no but it will be" Ryan gave brendon a confused look, "what do you mean by that?" Ryan asked. "This-" Brendon pushed Ryan off the edge, the sound of Ryan's screams satisfied him and he knew he could finally be with the burrito

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