Chapter 1 - The Terror

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I was sitting on my bed doing my usual thing on my laptop, listening to music with my headphones on and uploading poetry to my blog. Nothing unusual. Everything else on the internet is boring except for Youtube, reading, and music. I'm too shy to go out and look for a real life so I sorta coop myself up in my room. My main priority in life is to find a way to make music my career. Its a hard industry honestly. Especially for alternative music. Sighing I review the poem I just made before uploading.
I don't think we've met yet
I sent shivers down your spine
I make grown men cry
I ruin everyone's aspirations
Make your eyes pop out wide
& thrive on your insanity
Hi, I'm reality
Nice to bend your spine
I'll make you tremble with fear
Hope you won't sleep tonight
I cross my heart and hope for your death
That all you"ll hear are the voices in your head
Telling you that you're never good enough
Oh, don't worry
Others hear it too
But lets make it seem as though its only you
Constant pressure and regret
Denial and oppression your company
Just when you think you've had a break
It all collapses
You thought this was over?
Oh no
I'm coming for you
There's no escape
You were born in my clutches
As the darkness crawls up your spine
You're caged this way forever
Hope is just a dream
There are no dreams here
Nothing but REALITY
The trembling cries from the abyss of depression
Your only escape is a knife and a deep grave
-Sapphire Hunter

Its pretty dark, the poetry I make. Then again, I have a pretty dark mind combined with my shy outer covering. Once everything looked alright with the poem I uploaded it with a sigh then starring up at the ceiling, contemplating what to do with my life, when I heard some plates crash from the floor below. I dismissed it thinking my mother dropped them by mistake. A few moments later I heard my mother's bloodcurdling scream from the the kitchen . I sat up straight away eyes wide. whats happening? If that wasn't enough, my father screamed yelling for someone to stop, and screams of pain.

I know I probably shouldn't, but I got up from my bed with my heart beating fast. My mind flashed through the worst case scenarios as I walked toward the door. I shakily but quietly opened my door and started down the second story hallway toward the staircase. Trembling, I quietly walked down the stairs and crept along the wall toward the kitchen. As I walked closer I heard crying and whimpering. I also heard... laughing? Shaking mildly, I peer around the corner. Just enough not to be seen. I covered my mouth to keep from puking at the horrible site before me.

The blood of my parents were splattered around the cabinets and walls. Their entrails spilled from there poor bodies. Trembling more than I already was, tears spilled from my eyes as I looked to my beloved parents. My father was already gone, his business suit soaked with his own blood. More hot tears slid from my eyes. The wretched person behind all this had his back turned to me, laughing. What really broke me was my mother. She was moaning from pain and her head fell toward my direction in defeat. Her pained, cloudy green eyes gazed into mine, practically begging for release until a knife was violently jerked into her chest. Causing her to cry out one last pained breathed before her eyes became lifeless and dull.

I gasped involuntarily and the murderer snapped his head in my direction. Without hesitation, I bolted from my spot and ran up the stairs towards my room. I softly closed my door and dashed across my room behind my dresser into the hidey hole that was there before we moved in. I pulled in the dresser in as much as I could and tried to calm my frantic breath and trembling. I didn't want to die, not now. Its not my time! I'm not ready!

I begun to panic when I heard heavy footsteps come slowly up the stairs. Although I was scared for my life, I kept quiet. It seemed like the footsteps stopped at the top of the stairs, then it got quiet. Everything was quiet. I listened really closely for something, anything. There was no noise to be heard. It drove me crazy, I hate suspension.

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