One: The Man Who Was a...Actually We Don't Know

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Percy and I walked into our apartment for the next four years for the first time. It was beautiful. There was a small kitchen and living room on either side of the entrance, then there were two bedrooms and a bathroom.

"It's perfect." I said, sighing.

"Yeah, but you know what makes it better?" Percy asked me.


"You." he pulled me in for a kiss. I giggled, pulling away. Percy pouted.

"Come on, we have to unpack!" We went into our rooms and unpacked our clothes and other miscellaneous things. Two hours later, we were all unpacked. I hugged Percy from behind.

"What now?" I asked.

"I'm thinking a little something like...this." he spun around and kissed me lovingly.


The next morning I woke up around seven to the smell of smoke. I frantically ran to the kitchen to see Percy desperately trying to put out the flames on a pancake, finally giving up and throwing it in the sink. I walked up to him.

"You know you actually have to flip it so it doesn't light on fire. Using a lower temperature helps, too." he jumped, and I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I just got distracted." I raised my eyebrow.

"You were watching me sleep."

"I was watching you sleep." he confirmed. I rolled my eyes and got some orange juice out of the fridge that we had bought yesterday. I poured myself a glass and sat at the island.

"We should explore campus today. Maybe we will meet a few people." I suggested.

"On the way up here I saw a cafe that looked cool. Olympia Cafe, I think it was called." I was about to respond, but someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it." I said, walking to the door. When I opened the door, there was a middle-aged man with black hair that had a few grey streaks and sea-green eyes, much like Percy's. He was wearing a suit that looked extremely formal. "Hey, can I help you?" 

"Yes. I'm looking for a Perseus Jackson. Does he happen to live here?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Um, yeah, he does. What do you need?" he sighed.

"I'd just like to see him. Is Perseus here right now?"

"Yeah...just a sec." I closed the door a bit then went back to the kitchen.

"Perce, there's a guy at the door, says he's looking for you." Percy gave me a confused look and went to the door, me following close behind. He opened the door, and his jaw dropped, then hardened.

"What do you want, Dad?"


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