Chapter Ten: Scandal

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For the next week, Percy and I snuck out every night, and I helped Rachel plan the dreaded wedding that would take him away from me. Again.

"Annabeth?! Listen to me! Write this down. I want green and white colors for the ceremony. I want white lilies everywhere." I looked up.

"Yeah. White lillies, green and white color scheme. Got it." I wrote it down on a notepad. White lillies meant sympathy. 

"And you are coming with me to help me pick my dress. That will take at least a day. My mother is also coming." I nodded stiffly. I had a feeling Rachel wanted me to be around her for all the planning just to rub it in my face that she was marrying Percy, not me.

"Of course." I checked my watch for the time. "It's three...I've got to get going. Meetup with my friends."

"Meet me in the gardens at nine tomorrow. We've got a lot to do." Rachel waved me off. I ran off, letting out a sigh of relief. I stopped at my room and changed into a pair of jeans(Rachel had insisted that as her wedding planner I had to dress formally) and a t-shirt, climbing down the side of the castle to the gardens and running to the pavilion.

"Woah, Owl Head. How'd you get so good at climbing down the side of the castle?" asked Leo as I stopped, breathless from running.

"Practice." I answered, sitting down next to Piper.

"And when would you have the need to practice?" Piper wiggled her eyebrows.

"When I heard you and Jason next door." Jason choked on his orange juice across the table.

"I mean, she's not wrong." Percy sat down next to Jason, patting him on the back. "I can here you and I'm a floor above you." he took a bite of his toast.

"Why are we eating breakfast at three in the afternoon?" asked Frank, changing the subject.

"Because breakfast food is the best because there are blue pancakes, duh." Percy waved a blue pancake in Franks face, making him roll his eyes. We chatted for a while, telling each other about our busy days.

"So Annabeth, how's planning the doomsday wedding going?" asked Thalia.  I sunk down in my chair so my chin touched my chest.

"Don't remind me, Thals. I'm sorry Percy, but planning your wedding in torture. Rachel wants me to come with her to pick out her dress. It's torture!" I bit my tongue to keep myself from saying something I would regret later.

"Complaining about your job, Miss Chase?" the king walked up to the pavilion.

"N–I mean, well, kind of?" I mentally cursed myself.

"I see. Percy? I need to see you and Miss Chase. Now." Percy and I looked at each other, sharing the same thought: he knows.

"Yes, father." we got up from the table and followed him into the castle and up to the third floor to his office.

"Sit, please." he guestered for the plush seats in front of the desk. We sat. "Now." Poseidon began. "I am aware of a previous relationship between you two. This will be a problem with your upcoming wedding, Perseus."

"It's Percy, for the last time."

"Perseus, I am your father. Respect me. As I was saying for, your relationship with be a problem. With Miss Chase as your wedding planner, your relationship is to stay strictly professional. You will only see each other during designated meetings, and when around other people. You may not be alone together. Am I understood?" we nodded.


"And Perseus. Have Tyson come by sometime soon." Percy's gaze snapped towards his father.

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