Three: Percy and Rachel Have Very Different Ideas

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Two years later

I woke up early to Piper jumping on me to get up. We decided to move into an apartment together since neither of us could afford our own by ourselves.

"Annabeth get up now you have to watch the report on TV I don't think you're going to like it." I groaned and rolled out of bed, going into the living room. There, on TV, I saw Percy in a formal suit, grim-faced.

"I've seen him on TV a million times. What's the big–"

"Just listen to it!" curious, I listened to the reported, Apollo Solice.

"Today the news has gotten out that Prince Perseus of Olympia has been engaged to Princess Rachel of Pictoribus. Rumor has it that the prince tried to refuse, insisting he has feelings for someone else, whom he did not name. King Poseidon has said that the mysterious girl may have been Annabeth Chase, his former girlfriend. Prince Perseus, do you have anything to say about this?"

"I must admit, I'm not thrilled over the fact that my father has picked my future wife for me. I will neither confirm nor deny if Miss Chase is this supposed 'mystery girl' for the sake of her own sanity."

"Have you met Princess Rachel?"

"No, and I'm not looking forward to it. Although I'm sure she is a lovely lady, I would have liked to at least have a choice. I'm sure she feels the same."

"Well, you're in luck, Prince Perseus, because we happen to have the princess right here!" Rachel walked out on stage.

"Hello, Apollo, Prince Perseus! It's a pleasure to meet you!" She had red frizzy hair and whore(I mean wore)a very revealing green dress to match her green eyes.

"You too, Princess Rachel. Tell us, how are you feeling about the engagement?"

"I'm ecstatic! I think the two of us a perfect match and will work great together."

"Thank you, Princess. Now we have a few words from the King." King Poseidon walked out and sat next to Percy.

"Now, King Poseidon, tell us why you chose Princess Rachel for the Prince?"

"Well, when I first met him to bring him to Olympia, a girl opened his apartment door. The two let me in and I explained myself to Percy. At first, I thought the two were just friends, but then I saw them kissing, and I thought, "As a prince, my son simply can not be with a girl like this."" Percy's fists were clenched, and Rachel smiled sweetly.

"I could not agree more. Here is a video we caught of Miss Chase a month after Prince Percy left for Olympia." A video of me came up. I was with Piper, back in Olympian Cafe, crying my eyes out.

"P-Piper I told him to go but now I don't think I'll ever see him again and now I miss him more than ever. I thought that it would all be fine but–"

"Annie, calm down. I'm sure he hasn't forgotten you, and never will. Trust me on this, okay?" The clip ended.

"Apollo, as much as being here, I think that's all for tonight." said Percy.

"I agree. YOu must go get acquainted with your new fiance. Ah, but before we go! There will be a celebratory ball on Sunday in which everyone in the country is invited to! That's all for tonight!" The channel cut, and I was furious.

"Th-They can't do that! It's illegal to show videos of people on TV without us giving consent! And we never even broke up! Poseidon has no right to describe me like that, either!" While I was ranting, Piper was smiling from ear to ear. "What?" I demanded.

"There is a ball. Everyone is invited. We will get a chance to see Percy, Jason, and Thalia!" That thought made me smile.

"Piper, that's amazing! And we only live a few hours away, so if we get our dresses today, book a hotel room and fly over tomorrow, then we'll get there in time."

"Annabeth, it's Wednesday. Don't we have classes the rest of the week?" asked Piper. I rolled my eyes.

"It's vacation, and we have like almost two more weeks off." I said. Piper made an O shape with her mouth.

"Then we are going to go get us some  ball gowns!" Piper squealed. I smiled. I knew she was just as excited as me because Jason would probably be there.


Two hours later we were out the door and in Aphrodite's dress shop looking for dresses. People kept giving us weird looks. I'd assume they recognized us from the report this morning. 

"Annabeth, what do you think of this one? Percy's favorite color is blue, after all." Piper held up a Royal Blue ball gown with a lot of...fluff. I rolled my eyes.

"No. The whole nation knows that blue is his favorite color. Therefore, I'm wearing grey." Piper grinned.

"So, have you found any cute grey dresses?"

"No, have you found any dresses that you like?"

"There was this one purple dress that was really cute, but..."

"Piper, did you like the dress?" she nodded. "And how much did it cost?"

"$300..." she trailed off.

"This is a one time experience. Besides, your mom owns this place. I'm sure she'd give you a discount." Piper sighed.

"I know but–I don't like asking for help from her because–" she was cut off. A woman with long blonde hair, seemingly flawless...everything, and a white business suit came rushing over. 

"Piper! Annabeth! So amazing to see you again! Shopping for the celebratory ball, I presume?"

"Uh–yeah. We were just getting ready to–"

"Nonsense. Show me that purple dress you liked and you can have it." Aphrodite said excitedly. "You know I was just as heartbroken as you girls must have been when Apollo announced the prince's engagement. Lucky it hasn't happened to Prince Jason, isn't it, Piper dear?"

"Yes, Mom. So. Very. Lucky." Piper grumbled. She began walking towards the dress she liked.


"Annabeth, I have the perfect dress for you. I think you will look stunning in it." Aphrodite said before running into the back of the store. Piper had her purple dress.

"I love her, but she's crazy. And weirdly interested in our love lives." she said. I laughed.

"Hey, she said if we tell her all about our experiences then she will give us the dresses for free. That's a good deal." Piper nodded in agreement. Aphrodite came back a few minutes later with a shimmering grey dress that was off the shoulder and reached the floor.

"Oh my gods, Aphrodite that's beautiful!" I smiled.

"As soon as I began planning the gala, I knew I had to make these dresses for you. They were made specifically to fit your body types and preferences." Piper started to get teary-eyed.

"Oh, Mom! Thank you! So, so much!" 


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