Two: Friends? Friends.

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The man, who turned out to be Percy's father, came in. For a few seconds, we sat in awkward silence before I got up.

"I'll go finish making the pancakes...would you like any, Poseidon?"

"No, thank you." he shook his head. I went into the kitchen and decided to remake the batter because Percy put in double the amount of salt you were supposed to. When they were done I put them on a plate to cool down for a few minutes while I got dressed. When I walked back into the living room, Percy was scowling, his arms crossed.

"Dad can you...give us a second?" he asked. Poseidon nodded and stood up walking back into the hallway. Percy took my hands. "You know how I told you my dad left my mom and I when I was around two?" I nodded.


"Well, that's because he had to go back to his old life. In Olympia. I guess King Zeus just died, and he was my uncle, and Dad was his successor, and now I have to go live with him because now I'm heir to the throne." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"But–Percy, why didn't you tell me?" he sighed.

"Because I never thought it would mean much of anything."

"What about Thalia and Jason?" I asked. They had gone to high school with us.

"They both declined the position. Annabeth I don't want to go but..." he trailed off. I kissed him, trying to make it last.

"I know. Do whatever you have to do, but remember; I'll always be here. And I'll always love you, no matter what." he nodded.

"I love you, Annabeth." he said.

"I love you more." I said.


I waved goodbye tearfully as Percy and Poseidon left in a limo two days later. When they were out of sight, I broke. I doubted I would ever see him again, other than on TV. I sat against the wall, bringing my knees up to my chin. A girl with choppy brown hair sat down next to me.

"I felt the same way when Prince Jason went to Olympia. I'm sorry." she said. I looked at her.

"Th-thanks. I'm Annabeth."

"Piper. You need to cheer up. Why don't we go to Olympian Cafe?" she suggested. We stood up and walked to the small cafe. We sat at a table when we got there.

"So, tell me about yourself." Piper said.

"Um, starting this year I'll be a freshman here. I went to Goode High School, and I love olive pizza." she wrinkled her nose.

"Ew." I laughed.

"Your turn."

"I'll be a freshman this year, too. I went to Yancy in New York, and I love broccoli pizza."

"Broccoli is gross." I said.

"Coming from someone who eats olives on pizza." I rolled my eyes.




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