Eight: A Night to Remember

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We raced along the edge of the gardens, trying not to be seen. After about ten minutes of weaving through the maze of pathways through the hedges, we found ourselves at the stables. Percy got his horse, Blackjack, and got me a horse named Rainbow.

"This is actually Tyson's horse, but I'm sure he won't mind if you borrow it." Percy said, handing me the reins.

"Thanks." I hoisted myself up, and we took off. We galloped along a narrow path through the woods. The trees got thicker and thicker as we went along, but the moon still shone through.

At last, we reached a clearing. Rays of moonlight were cast down on a clear pond. There was a rickety wooden platform about ten feet up in the air with a rope swing attached to a nearby branch.

"Woah." I said in awe.

"It's pretty great, right?" Percy smiled at me, getting off Blackjack and tying the reins to a tree.

"Amazing." he spread out a big, fluffy blanket underneath a tree. I sat down next to him and leaned my head on his chest. He twirled my hair around, and I smiled faintly, remembering when he did that years ago.

"So why bring me here?" I asked after a while.

"Why not? It's a beautiful place, for a beautiful girl." I laughed.

"Seriously, Percy. Why?"

"Because...well, multiple reasons. First of all, I missed you. Second of all, no one else knows about this place, so I thought we could come here tonight, when everyone's tired from the ball. Third, because I love you." I looked up at him.

"I love you too." Percy kissed my forehead lovingly.

"What do you say to a little skinny dipping?"

"You know me so well." in seconds, we were stripped down to our underwear and wading into the water. "It's so cold!" I whispered, rubbing my arms.

"You'll get used to it. Come on." he pulled me in farther, until we were treading. I decided to cross into risky territory. I kissed Percy on the lips. His lips smirked against mine, and his teeth tugged gently on my bottom lip. I opened my mouth, granting him access. Our tongues battled playfully, until he pulled away. "I see how it is."

"I love you." I said in response. Kissing him, I was flooded with memories from before the world knew Percy was a prince. From when our lives were normal.

For the next half hour or so, we relaxed in the water, making out now and then, eventually resulting in me straddling his hips, and him kissing down my jaw and neck.

"Annabeth..." Percy moaned.


"Did I mention that I love you?" I laughed, burying my face in his neck.

"A few times."


"To..." Percy scrunched his eyebrows, trying to think of a toast. "To running into each other at the airport."

"I'll toast to that." We drank out strawberry flavored vodka, looking out over the lake. We were covered in towels because we'd just come out of the water.

"Why is it called a toast when people drink to a momentous occasion?" He asked. I thought on it for a moment.

"I–I have no idea."

"Annabeth Chase? Not knowing something?! Shocking!"

"Shut up." I smacked his chest playfully.

When we'd finished the drinks, Percy stood up, holding out a hand. "Dance with me, Lady Wise Girl?"

"I'd be honored , Prince Seaweed Brain." I took his hand and stood up. We danced to the sound of the crickets chirping, and owls hooting.

"Look." He whispered in my ear, pointing to the sky. I saw a shooting star streaking across the night sky. "Make a wish." I smiled, shaking my head.

"I don't need to."

"Why not?"

"Because it's coming true right now." I kissed him on the lips, never wanting this moment to end. When we pulled apart, Percy checked his watch.

"It's three thirty in the morning." He said.

"Why did it have to go so fast?" I whined.

"Because time is a bitch."  he said, looking up at the sky again.


"Percy?" I asked.


"As much as I loved this, and love you–we can't tell anyone about this."

"I...I know." Percy said sadly. "If the press–or anyone–finds out..."

"We're screwed." He nodded.

He kissed me before climbing back over the side of my balcony.

"Get some sleep, Wise Girl."


A few hours later, I woke up to the feeling of a heavy person on top of me.

"Hellooo" my eyes snapped open, and I saw Thalia's face, two inches from mine, giving me the most psychotic smile in the universe. I screamed, shoving her off me. She landed on her butt, laughing.

"Man, Annabeth. You should have seen your face!" I scowled at her, sitting up in bed.

"What time is it?"

"Seven, why?"

"Dammit" I muttered. I'd only gotten three hours of sleep.

"What?" Thalia asked.

"Nothing." I got out of bed and walked to my closet.

"By the way, there's some garden gala tonight that you are coming with all of us too. It's in an hour." I groaned, walking to my closet.

"Dress code?"

"Pastel. Summery."


"No problemo, my friend. Meet us in Percy's room in fifteen minutes."

I sighed, pulling a dress out of my suitcase.


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