Five: Ya See? We've Got Ourselves A Couple of Gentlemen, Here.

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I walked into a little cafe trying to ignore the stares I got from customers. I spotted Percy in the corner. He was wearing dark sunglasses and was looking over the top of a newspaper.

"Classic disguise," I said, sitting down. He grinned.

"You need it when there's a recipe for the perfect scandal for the press," he said.

"What do you mean?" 

"Think about it. Two royals getting married and another girl. The press will think of some bizarre story." I frowned.

"Why do you think I never read gossip magazines?" Percy laughed.

"Fair enough. Anyway, what have you been up too? I've missed you."

"Classes...reading...studying...stuff, I guess."

"Come on...elaborate!" he begged. I rolled my eyes.

"Using big words now, are we? Well, after you left I became splendid friends with Piper. We moved in together because we couldn't afford apartments by ourselves. I continued my education for the past two years, then Piper and I came here and now...we are here." I summed up.

"Okay, enough with the big words. My brain can't handle them."

"That's why you're a Seaweed Brain."

"And you're a Wise Girl." I grinned at our old nicknames.

"Oh, that reminds me! Well, I just thought of it really, but–"

"Cut to the chase, Jackson."

"Haha, very funny. Anyway, we should go see my mom!" before I could reply, he pulled me to my feet and lead me into the kitchens.

"Mom? You here?"

"In back, Percy! Don't touch the blue cookies! They're not for you!" came a woman's voice from behind a few shelves.

"Can I have some if I share them with Annabeth?" Silence, then a crash. A woman with curly brown hair and a kind face came running frantically out from the back of the kitchen and crushed me in a hug.

"ANNABETH! YOU'RE HERE! How long are you staying?"

"Good to see you too, Sally." I smiled.

"Jeez, wish you were this enthusiastic when we ran into me." Percy crossed his arms, mocking fake hurt. I glared at him.

"You ruined my book." I shrugged, and went back to talking with Sally. Percy rolled his eyes, but I saw him smile.

"So, how long are you staying?"

"Just until after the gala." I looked down, wishing I could stay longer.

"No, nonono." Percy shook his head.

"No what?" I asked.

"No, you can't just stay until after the gala. You–and Piper, Jason's gonna love this–can stay in the palace until Jason gets the balls to propose to Piper."

"That's gonna be a while..." I trailed off.

"Exactly." he smiled triumphantly. Sally watched us, amused. "Can we eat blue cookies, now?"

"No. Annabeth can, though. She's been blue cookie deprived for two years." she handed me a warm plate piled with cookies. I inhaled the smell of fresh cookies and melty, gooey chocolate.

"Well? Are you going to turn it into a candle, or eat them?" I took a bite and moaned.

"I missed your cooking." Sally laughed.

"Okay, okay. You two, go have fun. Percy, don't eat the cookies."


"Tell me about your life." I said, munching on a cookie. "I feel like I hardly know you anymore." 

Percy sighed. "Well, I don't like being a Prince too much. Especially the way I got there. My step mom's alright...but Dad's another story. I can't really connect with him much. It's like he's there, but at the same time, he isn't. I enjoy Mom's side of everything a lot more. The palace is great, though. Jason, Thalia, and I have plenty of people to prank. You'll love the library. It's huge. Kind of like the one in Beauty and the Beast, but bigger. The gardens and even better. But the pool...THE POOL IS THE BEST PART!" I laughed, knowing he would think that' the pool's the best part.

"I see." I nodded along as he talked, describing the palace, his jobs, and how much he didn't want to be engaged to Rachel. Being reminded that he was engaged, even if he didn't want to be, it hurt. It hurt a lot.

"Wise Girl?" Percy brought me away from my thoughts. "You spaced out for a second, there. You okay?" I shook my head, getting rid of my negative thoughts.

"Yeah. Great. How're Paul, Estelle, and Tyson?"


Percy insisted that Piper and I move to the palace, so I took him back to our hotel so he could see to helping us transition our things, not to mention getting past security. I unlocked the door with the key card, letting us inside. I immediately regretted it. Piper and Jason were in a very...heated makeout session on Piper's bed.

"My virgin eyes!" Percy said loudly, covering his eyes. The two sprung apart, stuttering. Jason put himself together rather quickly, and looked Percy dead in the eye.

"Perseus Achilles Jackson, everyone knows that you–neither of you–are virgins." My face flushed, and I looked down. Percy didn't seem fazed.

"Ignoring the fact that we just walked in on you and Piper about to have sex, we're moving the girls to the palace."

"I know. I offered already." Jason said.

"Always stealing my thunder..." 

"Well duh. My dad's Zeus. Named after the dude that made thunder."

"Ya see, Annie? We've got ourselves a couple of gentlemen, right here." Piper said, smirking.


Alright alright! I FINALLY updated this! WHAT?! I've been meaning to do it for a while, but I wanted to do it at least once before school ten days. Fuck.


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