Six : Protection Squad, Unite!

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We pulled up to the castle, and as the chefure opened the door, my jaw dropped. It was a grey, three story masterpiece with what looked like at least ten towers. Collums held up balconies, and huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

"The–the architecture is..." I trailed off. I heard Percy walk up behind me. "Beautiful."

He laughed. "I knew you'd like it."

"Let's go inside." Jason suggested. "We can have your bags brought in by Louie. Let's go meet up with Frank, Hazel, Thalia, Reyna, and Neeks."

"Neeks is here? PROTECTION SQUAD!" Piper shouted.

"UNITE!" I heard a voice from the distance, then footsteps running towards us. I saw a short girl with dark skin and curly brown hair. Hazel Levesque.

"Piper! Annabeth!" she crushed us in a bone-crushing hug. "Why didn't you tell me that they were coming?" 

"We just found out, Haze." said Percy.

"Idiot. Thalia told me about the book you ruined." he scratched the back of his neck. I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"I told you that I'd replace it!"

"Mhm. That's what you said last time."

"Prince Perseus? Who are these people?" a pale girl with curly red hair and green eyes came rushing forward, wearing a disapproving expression. She had on a green dress that matched her eyes, and her hair was down around her shoulders. Percy sighed.

"Rachel, this is Piper and Annabeth."

"Oh. The girls from that video on the news." she pursed her lips, then smiled a sickly sweet smile. "I'll see you inside, Perseus." As soon as she was out of view, Percy scowled.

"I can't stand her."

"Neither can I, Bro." Jason shook his head. We were silent for a moment. "Why don't we go inside? I'll take Pipes, you take Annie?"

"Sure." Percy lead me inside, and the topic of Rachel was forgotten.

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