Four: That Was My First Edition Signed Hard Cover Harry Potter Book

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Piper and I got off the plane in Olympia around midnight. We stumbled through the crowds until we got to the airport mall and collapsed on a random bench.

"Annabeth why did we have to get here so late?" Piper complained.

"Because," I said. "Our plane was delayed three times." she looked like she was going to say something, but decided against it and leaned her head on the back of the bench.

"Thalia, if you just shut up and let me tell you about the Boeing VC-25–"

"For the last time, Jason, I DON'T CARE ABOUT MILITARY PLANES!"

"Would you both shut up?! You do want to go to New Rome to see Piper and Annabeth, don't you?" Piper and I were wide awake, then.

"Percy, five-minute brake? It's midnight and I'm TIRED!"

"Fine. Just don't attract too much attention. Let's sit over here." It was possible that they were totally different people that we didn't know. I shrugged slightly and took out a first edition hard-cover signed copy of Harry Poter and the Sorcerer's Stone. As I was reading, a few people sat down on the bench next to us. I didn't pay them much attention, as I was immersed in the world of witches and wizards. Someone walked past but tripped and dropped some kind of liquid on my book. I stared at the book, open-mouthed. Slowly, I looked up. Not paying attention to who it was, I took a deep breath.

"That," I said, scarily calm, "Was my first. Edition. Signed. Hard. Cover. Copy. Of. HARRY. POTTER!" I looked up furiously, then jumped back in surprise. Standing there in shock was the one and only, Percy Jackson. Behind him were two equally terrified people. The five of us had a staring contest for a moment. The girl in the back of Percy–Thalia, broke the silence.

"Honestly, Jason, I can't tell if she's going to slap him, scream at him, kiss him, or all three." Finally, I spoke up.

"Perseus Jackson you know how much my Harry Potter books mean to me." It was deadly quiet.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah." he stretched out the word. Then I grinned.

"You are so lucky I have three more copies or you would be dead." I got up and hugged him, taking him by surprise. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Piper and Jason doing the same, and Thalia smirking behind us. After at least five minutes, Thalia cleared her throat.

"Hey, I know I'm not your ex-boyfriend or whatever y'all are at this point, but I was your best friend so...I'm waiting for my hug toooooo!" I moved onto Thalia, and she nearly squeezed me to death. "Annie, I can't believe you beat us here! We were going to kidnap you two so you would come here with us. It gets boring with these two. Oh, and blame Sparky for ruining your book. He pushed Percy." I spun around and gave Jason a steely glare. Then I turned back to Percy.

"Why didn't you come back?" I asked.

"I–I wanted to, grounded me." I looked at him in confusion.


"Uncle Posey grounded all three of us for trying to steal the plane and fly out to see you." Jason explained.

"Yes, and Uncle Posey would like to take you three back to the palace, now. Oh, and dear," said a man behind Percy. "You have blue soda on your lap." the last part was directed to me. I glared at him until I realized who the man was. Percy groaned and turned around.

"Dad, we didn't even sneak out this time! We told you we were going to another country so you wouldn't find us!" 

"Poseidon, we are adults. I think we can handle ourselves." Thalia tried to cover up her begging.

"Thalia, no need to be like that. Remember, I saved you from having to take on the role of queen at only nineteen." Thalia balled her fists.

"I didn't want the job, Uncle. Neither did Jason or Percy. None of us did. You're the one that took us away from the people we loved." she snapped.

"Come, you three. Leave these girls to themselves." he dragged the three away, and they followed unwillingly. I sighed, but then felt a ding in my pocket.

Hey, Wise Girl, it's Seaweed Brain. See you at the gala on Friday? I smiled and typed back a response.

You know it. See you then.

Tell you what, I miss you. Go to this address tomorrow around ten a.m so we can catch up. An address came through. Sally's Blue Cafe, 908 Main Street, Olympia

"Hey, Annabeth? I'd love for you and Percy to keep sexting, but we have to go to our hotel and get checked in." Piper said teasingly. I felt my cheeks turn pink while I put my phone down.


The next morning I woke up to breathing in my ear. It had been years since that had happened, so I jumped up, creeped out. Piper was crouching at the side of my bed, mid blow. I looked at her funny.

"Piper...were you blowing in my ear?"

"YES, because Jason told me that Percy told him that it might wake you up. It's nine-thirty, and honey, you're gonna be late for your date." I glared at her.

"It's not a date. I don't think we're even dating anymore. In case you forgot, he is engaged and Poseidon announced to the whole country that he hates me." she rolled her eyes.

"Get up and get dressed and cleaned because whether you like it or not, you've got a date in half an hour." I rolled my eyes and stumbled into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I got into the steamy shower, letting the plane-stench wash off my body. When I was done, I picked out a cute-ish casual outfit. It consisted of a white t-shirt, a faded jean jacket, and a  yellow knee-length skirt. I let Piper know I was going and walked out the door.


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