1. Cursed Nightmare

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"non timebo mala"
(i will fear no evil)

• Rowan •

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Rowan •

Opening his eyes, he looked towards the back of his hands that seemed way too small to be his. Yet, he knew that it was him and that he was dragged into this wretched dream once again.

He wanted to move but an unknowing force had rooted him to the ground as he watched his whole hands soaked in sickening red, the pool of red that contained the blood of the people he loved. Someone was pulling him by his hair as he was forced to watch the panic-stricken fear etched into the beautiful face of his mother.

Her startling blue eyes widened in horror as she kept screaming for him to run. His heart ached, as he struggled excruciatingly at the knowledge that this was how his mother had looked in the last moment of her life — betrayed by her mistaken love and mercilessly murdered by his despicable mistress.

As with every instance whenever he's in this realm of nightmare, a sword pierced through her back and came through her abdomen before her entire body flumped lifelessly into the pool of blood that had dyed the snow on the ground in an obnoxious shade of cruelty.

Biting hard on his lower lip, the force behind him was quickly released and he moved his trembling body towards the small girl that lay face down beside his mother. Turning her around, his heart shattered at the sight of her opened, empty blue eyes. He cradled her battered and bloodied body into his arms and hovered his hand over, closing her eyelids as he whispered softly to his dead sister, "Sleep, Lyra. Don't be in pain anymore."

The usual villainous cackle sounded in his ears, as he lifted his head and glared hatefully right at the loathsome mistress. She swung her sword but an invisible force had shielded him against that attack.

Rowan placed Lyra back on the ground carefully and stood with formidable gale rushing towards him an all direction. The air pressure increased with every step he took towards his father's mistress, Silvestra, and she soon fell on her knees with hands on her neck, choking for precious air. He held onto her head and incant in Iftiac. A sudden red glow surfaced under his palm as he drew her gift out into his palm.

"Give me back my gift!" she hissed through her lack of air. Her other hand reached him and gripped onto his arm, her nails clawed deep into his skin as he ripped her gift forcefully out of her and trapped it within him. The forcefulness burned his insides ferociously as her gift stirred his magic energy up in chaos. It was screaming to leave him as Silvestra attempted painstakingly to command her gift back to her. It felt like a force was bursting through the seams of his entire being, but he gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw, in violent attempt to contain it within him.

"Never," Rowan spat."Not after what you had done."


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