5. The Only Way

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"the stars above will always lead us back to one another."

Rivia: Ajayib, Town of Central Rivia, Town Square

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Rivia: Ajayib, Town of Central Rivia, Town Square.


Paused in his steps, Rowan stood rooted at where he was as he stared towards the young child right in front of him. Dark hair, blue eyes. The child was an exact splitting image of him when he was young. His attention eventually drifted to the lady who knelt beside the child, she had her arms wrapped tightly around the small body with all her might. When the wind rushed past them, the light scarf that draped over her head drifted with the air and revealed a head of soft brown curls that fell off her shoulder in gentle motions like the first rain of spring. 

"Father—" the child mumbled in a low voice, but he caught his words clearly. His attention moved back to stare towards the blue-gold eyes of the child again. He had thought that he heard him wrongly but the way the lady reacted erased all his doubts away. Her hand hovered over and covered the child's mouth before she stood, carrying her son in her arms. Turning around, Rowan swore that he had forgotten how to breathe. 

"It's you," he gasped, remembering very clearly that this was the indelible presence he witnessed time and again in his dreams. She was the very person that had caused all the hurt and emptiness in his chest. 

At his mention, her eyes fluttered open, wide with shock. In the exact same manner in his dreams, her eyes were of the brightest shade of amber, glimmering beautifully in the depthless pool of gold. This pair of eyes were too mystifying for him to forget, in fact, they were imprinted deeply in his mind and carved permanently in his heart. 

He only managed to lock gaze with her for a brief few seconds before she spun around, in an attempt to run while the child in her arms still stared longingly at him with confusion and something indecipherable in his expression. Out of panic, Rowan shouted from behind them, "Wait!" 

No, I don't want to let you go. I can't let you go.

He chased after them. Even when she was nimble and fast, he made sure that he kept his focus locked on them. When he was just an arm away from her, he extended his hand out and she misted into the air, becoming a plume of darkness. 

His heart dropped into an unknown abyss within him, knowing that he had once again lost his answers to the million questions swarming in his head. 


Rivia: Ajayib, Town of Central Rivia, Elianna's Residence.


They appeared right in front of the house and she quickly placed Arell down. Feeling a sudden weakness in her limbs, she fell straight to the ground and heaved a mouthful of blood. The deep red quickly seeped and stained the pale sand beneath them in an unpleasant colour. 

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