34. Darkest Winter | I

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"si vis pacem, para bellum."
(if you want peace, prepare for war.)


Month: 0Iftia: Royal Medical Department, Professor Hamley's Office

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Month: 0
Iftia: Royal Medical Department, Professor Hamley's Office


A conversation with Professor Hamley had never felt so tensed until Elianna noticed the perpetual frown pinched between his brows. He only shook his head, "His Majesty's condition isn't looking favourable."

Royal guards stood close to them, giving them no privacy as they talked. Professor Hamley was choosing his words when he spoke but his eyes were saying otherwise. Elianna was also careful when she asked, "Any conclusion to the diagnosis?"

"Not yet," Professor Hamley sighed. "I was combing through the books the past few days but all information was heading nowhere."

The old man stood from his seat and walked to the shelves behind where she sat as he continued to pick out various heavy books. When he turned around, books at the top of the stack had fallen off and thudded heavily on the ground. The guard nearest to them clicked his tongue when a few more books continued to drop from the stack.

Elianna shot a warning stare at the guard before standing and rushing over to help. Worry washed over her and she asked, "Are you alright, Professor Hamley?"

"Of course. Thank you, Your Highness," Professor Hamley smiled and reached for her hand, pushing something that felt like a paper. He didn't look at her but she quickly closed her fingers to hide the note away.

When they settled back in their seats, Professor Hamley handed her two of the books and said, "Help me out by going through these books."

She glanced out at the titles and quickly understood that he was only trying to dismiss her out of his office. Her reply was instant, "Definitely, I'll be back with a report as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Professor Hamley nodded. "If you would allow me to get back to my work."

Hugging onto the books, she left the office and hurried back to the carriage. It was only when she was fully confident that she was away from the eyes of royal guards before she unfolded the note that Professor Hamley left her. There were only three words but she already knew the full story.

He wrote: oleander and magic.

Gadiel was poisoned with oleander but the reason he remained soporose was due to magic. And the only person capable of manipulating consciousness was none other than the Queen of Iftia, Silvestra Cazeau.



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