Final Author's Note

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Warning: This is a really long author's note

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Warning: This is a really long author's note. Announcements on my future projects are right at the bottom.


I've said this a millionth time by now to every one of you but this is a big thank you and the hardest goodbye I'm going to write to all of you for now. Thank you for taking your time out and giving this series a chance. Every comment and vote that you have given meant so much to me and they were the motivation for me to always be better in writing so that I can present the story in its best form to all of you readers. I received many encouragements, praises and constructive criticisms along the way that helped me developed this story into the shape it is today. 

Here's a warm hug and all my love to you readers. Thank you and a million thank you still wouldn't be enough. 


My inspiration in my writing is always to live all the different lives through all my characters. I'm not a perfect human being and neither were my characters. But they were versions of myself that I wished I could be and it was something that hurts and heal — for all that I am and all that I am not. That's why I write. I write to leave pieces of myself with every character that I'm too afraid to tell others in full and this was my way of being a genuine and vulnerable human being. 

Another fun fact, all the kingdoms were created as a mish-mash of all the countries I would love to travel to (or travelled to). Thethia has strong Western/European culture; Iftia was based on all the dream-like Scandinavian/Nordic countries that I have yet had the chance to travel to; Rivia was an assemblage of Arabian/Indian cultures that fascinated me all along. Actually, there was supposed to be a fourth kingdom which mirrors my culture, the Eastern/Asian cultures. However, I found no point in complicating the story by bringing in another place and set of characters. If you realised, I had a total of 28 characters in this series and at some time, I felt like I was going crazy with the multiple personalities I had to possess myself with in order to write. 

Anyways, here's a list that I wrote while I was writing the series:

My Favourites
Dynamic Duo: Thunder and Arell 
Couple: Rowan and Elianna (of course, right?) 
Twist: Elizabeth
Tragedy: Kynthia and Izekiel 
Character: Jason
Short Story: Veilstein Manor (Jason and Nadia) 


I have three projects offline that I really want to share with everyone: Asphodel (Book Two of the Underworld Series), Finders Keepers and Entangled Hearts. However, I'm holding Asphodel for now because it's really draining to write a series and let me enjoy bringing you all some standalones first. I'm going to share some aesthetics as my book promos and estimated dates that I'll start updating these projects. I hope you'll also give them a chance. 


Finders Keepers: Prologue would be out soon and official updating would begin in Dec 2020. This is a story of a woman who had to disguise herself as a man; of a canary that was trapped in a golden cage; of a freedom that was wishfully hoped on both ends. 


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Entangled Hearts: To be released on Jan 2021 (or soon?). Set in ancient china, this is a story of a heartwrenching love that ended upon a mistake; of a second chance to make everything right; of fates that meant to bring two individuals together. 


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Asphodel: Release date to be confirmed, putting the project on hold for now. This is book two of the Underworld Series. I shall not reveal any spoilers in case anyone would love to read the first book. 


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goodbye for now and i hope we meet again soon!

goodbye for now and i hope we meet again soon!

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