38. Darkest Winter | V

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"sic ego nec sine te nec tecum vivere possum."
(so i can't live either without you or with you.)


The Final MonthIftia: War Zone, Tivaet Perimeter, Naailah's Tent

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The Final Month
Iftia: War Zone, Tivaet Perimeter, Naailah's Tent


Red painted over her vision and a tear fell from the corner of her eyes when she saw the sword pierced through the body of the person she loved with her entirety. This foretell haunted her mind for countless of time through the countless of nights. And it happened, like how it always would. Closing her eyes, she clenched her jaw tight to suppress the surfacing pain.

Matthias, I love you, even if we were meant for chaos.

Tears continued to flow from the edge of her eyes when her heart ached so badly as though someone had cracked her chest right open and spooned her heart out, leaving her cold and in pain. Beside her, the little princess stirred and whined in a frustrated voice as she swung her small arms around to throw a tantrum. Naailah turned to lay on her side, her hand patted softly on her daughter's stomach as she contained her sadness in her voice when she comforted, "Indira, my baby, it's okay."

The baby's whimpers became loud wails and Naailah felt helpless when she cooed, "Shh, my darling, please go to sleep. Everything would be fine once you wake up."

Her pitiful cries broke her heart but Indira quietened down at her assurance. Naailah smiled a little, continuing to pat gently on her stomach as she sang, "Sleep, take this child. To the gardens filled with stems of carnations and roses."

Rowan pulled Matthias up into his arms, letting out a painful groan of agony as he grieved. Matthias mumbled something weakly, yet too soft to be heard. Whether it was Lyra or Matthias, either had tears in those hazel eyes. For once, life had shone in them again — so momentarily before they disappeared. The war didn't die just because someone did. Matthias had fallen but time refused to hit a pause as the battlefield still roared with ruthless shouts and screams.

Following her tune and the soft melody that she hummed after each verse, Indira slowly drifted to the land of dreams. Naailah continued to sing even when her heart bled, "Sleep, my baby. In a walnut cradle. In embroidered clothes and covered with pearls."

From the south, the deep valley of Esia, large troops of fearless soldiers marched towards the battlefield following their commanders. A large green flag held high, flowing with might in the icy winds — the Rivian army. They had marched towards the tundra under the command of her oldest brother, Mahir, who powered the troops through the harsh climate with Rivian's war stone. Behind them, an ivory flag billowed out with pride and the Thethian army was led by the First Knight of Queen Elizabeth, Tavion.

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