3. Mint and Sandalwood

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Iftia: Lyx Palace, Study

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Iftia: Lyx Palace, Study


"Ilias, please make an arrangement. I'll be visiting Rivia in two days," Rowan said as he held firmly onto his pen and signed on the documents that Ilias handed to him. 

"May I ask why the sudden visit?" 

"I have matters to discuss with Tazin," Rowan replied. "Before that, I would like to take a few days of rest. Tell the others to take some time off too." 

"Thank you, Ro," Ilias smiled. "I shall take my leave now to arrange for the visit." 

Ilias exited through the door and left him alone in the study. Placing his pen back to the holder, he rose from his seat and glanced out of the window. The violent tempest that was raging on the outside had reflected the chaos he had felt within. It's the season for snowstorms again. He sighed and guessed that having his knights spend their rest days in the warmth of Rivia would be a good idea. 

Also, there was an overwhelming feeling within him whenever he thought about Rivia. Intuitions had led him to believe that all the answers he needed would be there. Except that, he had no idea what answers he had been urging for.

All he had was just a recurring dream and an image of a very beautiful presence. In that dream, he's always looking towards a girl who sat on the rocks by the lake. Amidst all the sparkling magic dust and twinkling lights in the night sky, she was the most lovely thing that left him completely breathless and wordless. 

She wore a light dress that flowed gently along the ridges of the rocks and her warm brown hair danced elegantly over her shoulders. When she turned her head towards him, her eyes shone magnificently in gold, with light that shimmered brighter than any jewels he had witnessed in his life. Rowan. She had whispered his name so tenderly that it caused a heavy pressure to clamp down his chest. 

His feet moved on their own, in desperation to hold her towards him. To his agony, the moment he pushed his feet forward and was just a shy away from reaching her, she evaporated into glittering mists. Her presence faded and disappeared without a trace into the thin air. He jolted awake from it, feeling the unbearable pain in his chest that he couldn't explain. 

Without knowing the feeling of love, he knew that she was the one he had been missing. She was the one he adored with all his heart. The only thing he didn't understand was why he had lost her. And he most desperately needed an answer to that. 


Two days later.
Rivia: Ajayib, Town of Central Rivia, Elianna's Residence.


"Mother, are you heading towards the town clinic?" Arell ran towards her. 

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