20. Familial Love

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ʕ'•ᴥ•'ʔ/ Hello. Sorry to stop you here for a moment. There was a glitch on Wattpad a few days ago and you may have missed the previous chapter. If you're done with that, thank you, please enjoy this chapter!

Iftia: Outside Nvre Palace

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Iftia: Outside Nvre Palace


"What are you trying to do, little rascal?" Thunder called from behind and Arell jumped, nearly falling off the wall that he was trying to climb.

Annoyed, he scolded, "Thunder! Don't scare me like that!"

"Really, the sun will set before you get to the other side," Thunder laughed funnily. Feeling an arm circling his waist, Arell was hauled off the wall in a strong sweep and Thunder placed him on his back, instructing, "Remember to hold tight, okay?"

He lept into his panther form and jumped over to the other side of the wall. The two snuck into Nvre together and Arell led them to the nursery. Pulling on the wooden stool and stepping on it, he stood beside the bassinet and greeted delightfully, "Indy!"

The baby in the bassinet chuckled adorably at his presence, swinging her hand clumsily in the air as though trying to greet him. Arell reached to hold onto the newborn's hand, tittering playfully. Thunder stood beside, leaning against the nearest wall as he tutted, "All that effort just to see your baby cousin?"

"You won't understand," Arell sulked.

"So, this is where you've disappeared to these days?" Thunder shook his head and folded his arms before his chest. Crouching forward, he returned into his panther form and settled himself on the long lounge chair at the seating area. The big cat opened his mouth widely to yawn and rested his head on his paws.

Arell decided to ignore the cat and averted his attention back to Indira, who was staring at him with her bright hazel eyes. Indira made a soft shriek and wiggled in her bassinet, her other arm stretched out to hold onto his hand. Arell was already brimming with warmth and a wide grin formed, stretching across from ear to ear.

Back in Rivia, Maya, Pir and other kids had siblings that would play and attend school with them. Arell had always been envious of that and when Mother told him that Aunt Naailah had Indira, he grew exceptionally excited. Just like the other kids, he would have a playmate. And just like all the older kids, he made a promise to himself that he would protect and take care of Indira as any older brother would.

Arell sat quietly by the baby's side as she breathed softly amidst her sleepiness. He took the wooden toy that was placed beside her bassinet and shook it lightly in front of her. The gentle clicking had cooed the baby deep into her slumber and it was only when he felt her fully asleep that he placed the toy away. In a soft voice, Arell murmured, "Sleep and grow up faster, Indy."

The drowsiness also grew on him as he rested his head against the wooden arm of the bassinet and he was only seconds from drifting into sleep before Thunder hopped off the settee and positioned himself in front of them. Arell noticed the arched back of the panther, wondering why Thunder had looked rather tense and apprehensive.

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