Quotes: 17

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This Quote, "My dear you are beautiful, smart, talented, cherished, important, special, worthy and loved. Don't allow your own thoughts to tell you otherwise".

1. You should never make a permanent decision based on a temporary emotion.

2. Since most of the emotions you experience occur almost instinctively, you can't control how you feel in any given moment. But you can control how you react to those feelings--by focusing on your thoughts.

3. By acknowledging, accepting, and working through your feelings, you can learn to turn "emotional" into "emotionally intelligent."

4. Everyone says they value transparency and honesty. Most are lying.

5. We might imagine each of our relationships as a bridge we build between us and another person. Any strong bridge must be built on a solid foundation--and for relationships, that foundation is trust.

6. Without trust, there can be no love, no friendship, no lasting connection between people. But where there is trust, there is motivation to act. If you trust someone is looking after your best interests, you will do almost anything that person asks of you.

7. Being humble doesn't mean that you lack self-confidence or that you never stand up for your own opinions or principles. Rather, it involves recognizing that you don't know everything--and being willing to learn from others.

8. One of the quickest ways to gain someone's trust is to help them. Think about your favorite boss or teacher. Where they graduated from, what kind of degree they have, even their previous accomplishments--none of this is relevant to your relationship. But what about the hours they were willing to take out of their busy schedule to listen or help out? Their readiness to get down in the trenches and work alongside you? Actions like these inspire trust.

9. Honest communication requires more than saying what you sincerely believe; it means avoiding half-truths and ensuring the information you present is done in a way that will not be misinterpreted. Focusing on technicalities, loopholes, and escape clauses may win you a trial in court, but it won't win you others' trust.

10. Authenticity doesn't mean sharing everything about yourself, to everyone, all of the time. Rather, it means saying what you mean, meaning what you say, and sticking to your values and principles above all else.

11. Every promise you deliver upon, every humble act you commit, every word of sincere and specific praise you utter, and every effort to show empathy will contribute to building deep and trusting relationships--like the untold number of delicate brushstrokes that make up a beautiful painting.

12. When others fall, help them up. If you keep your own failings in mind, you'll find it easier to encourage and build up rather than dishearten and tear down.

please ask your questions, i would answer them.

- Maya...

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