Chapter 1: From the bottom to the bottom

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Patience P.O.V

"Patience get up right now your going to be late!" mom yelled up the stairs. "Okay I'm up mom!" I yelled back down to her. "Well hurry up!" She responded. "Alright calm down." I whispered to myself. I got out of bed and grabbed my phone. Then I went to the bathroom to brush my hair and brush my teeth. "Ugh another day in hell." I said to myself. I made it to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and made a disgusted look at my reflection. "Let's try to fix this mess." I said grabbing my straightener and my brush. I finished my hair and rushed my makeup to go get ready. I got back to my room and changed into my uniform and looked in the mirror and sighed. I grabbed my bag ran down stairs and snatched an apple and ran out the door trying not be noticed by mom and do the whole kiss goodbye crap. I'm not a very loving person to be completely honest, but don't get me wrong I love my family their just a little...never mind. "Come on patience were already late!" Cameron practically screamed at me as j got in the car. "Shut up and drive." I responded with a faint smirk, he pulled out and drove to school. "Alright see you after school loser." Cameron said hitting my back before jogging over to his friends who were waiting for him. "Bye." I responded to myself seeing he wasn't waiting for my response. I walked into school and bell rang. I stood there extremely angry. "Ugggggghhh!" I said stomping off to class. I got to my first class just in time. I quietly sat down and out my books on my desk. Mrs.Brink walked in with a huge smile and said joyfully "Good Morning my wonderful students, I have some great news this morning.". "Great, where are we going to see a stupid play again now." I thought to myself. "I have decided to present a play this year at our own school! With students from this class like to audition for Romeo and Juliet?" She asked. "Yeah another reason not to raise my hand." I said to myself quietly. The whole class but me and one of the most popular guys in the school raised their hand. I hid my face and shook my head in disagreement of the situation. "Oh why I see Miss. Baren and Mr. Correi have decided they don't want to take part in this activity." She said staring at me and then staring at the popular kid (yeah I don't know his name). "Well I guess we found our Romeo and Juliet then!" She said happily clapping her hands twice and continuing her lesson. I rose my hand right away, furious with this teacher. She turned around and pointed at me indicating I could speak. "I'm sorry I didn't realize that the people that didn't want to take part in the play were to be chicken when you clearly said raise your hand if you want to be in the play." I snapped at her a little bit at least. "Well do you want a zero right now Miss. Baren?" She asked snapping back at me. I looked at her with a disapproving look. I didn't want to act, I can't act and I'd have to kiss that kid! The bell rang and I had speed through right to lunch. At lunch I sat with my friends but this time the popular table got closer. "What the hell are they doing so close?" Emily my good friend also known as the leader of the group said. "I have no idea." Amy replied turning her head to me. "I got chosen to play Juliet in the school play and one of those kids is Romeo and their probably just trying to see who he's going to "get it in" with, which in fact will not happen." I said upset. "Ha that sucks!" Amy said erupting with laughter. "Aweh poor baby, can I record?" Emily said pinching my nose and treating me like a complete baby. "No." I replied. "Okay calm down." They said. "I'm calm okay just..." I said being cut off by that kid from drama. "Hey Juliet." He said sitting beside me putting his arm around me. I pushed his arm off of me and rushed down the hall. There's no way I'm talking to him or dealing with him outside of the play. "Wait my love! Oh my god just chill I'm not an asshole like you think I am." He yelled to me making me stop in my tracks. I turned around slowly. "Listen what do you want?" I asked. "You." He said looking me in the eyes seeming quite serious. "Ahahahahaha your good okay bye now." I said turning around. I don't have time for his lame jokes. I turned once to see him walking back in sadness. I kinda felt bad for laughing but I wasn't going to suck up to a popular kid. By the end of school I walked outside and waited leaning against Cam's car. Cameron walked up to the car and kissed his girlfriend goodbye and turned to see my waiting impatiently(;. "Well hey there pat." He said all happy and jumped in the car. "I told you not to call me that name, It sounds like I'm a guy." I said shoving his arm. "Relax kiddo I'll get you home to your stupid computer." He said pulling out of the school drive way. "It's not stupid." I said looking out the window. "Sure..., oh by the way we're going to dads today so grab your sh*t and we got to go." Cameron said pulling into the parking lot beside our townhouse. "Ugh I don't want to, I hate that..." I said being cut off again. "Don't say that about him, he made it possible for you to be alive and go to school and all that now go." He snapped at me. I dragged myself into the house and collected my stuff and got back to the car in time before Cameron completely raged on me for taking too long. "Okay let's go." I said very unhappy to be going to a place where my childhood was destroyed." Cheer up baby sis it's only a week." He said once again pulling out of the driveway. Sure it's only a week but 1 night there is enough for me to lose my mind. I'm not looking forward to seeing my father at all...

To be continued...

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