Chapter 7: Disaster after disaster

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Patience P.O.V

The final bell. I had been waiting for that bell since 8:00am. We didn't have practice Tuesday's so I went to wait by Cameron's car but it wasn't there. I searched the whole school and parking lot but nothing showed up. I called Cameron but it finally went to voicemail. "Yo it's cameron leave me a message and I'll probably get back to ya ight peace home dogs. *beep* hey cameron where the f*ck are you, it's 2:15 and your suppose to be here. Reply now bye." And I ended the voice message. It became dark and nobody showed up. I called my mom. "hey you've HUNNY HOW DO I USE THIS reached my NO CAM SHUT UP cell phone GET DARRELL OVER HERE number please leave me a message and I'll ring YEAH OVER TO THE LEFT. *beep* mom I stuck at school Cameron never showed up its cold and it's scary please come get me." I said ending the call. It was midnight nobody replied. I walked all the way home in the freezing terrifying dark. Ugh I hate my life. I arrived at my front door wide open. I walked in and yelled "LOVE YOU ALL TOO SO VERY MUCH" and then I felt metal touch my neck. my eyes widened at the touch of the cold metal. "" I was cut off "shut the f*ck up and pack your things were leaving." The masked man said holding the gun. "Where are my..." He cut me off again "in the car." He said. I went upstairs and thought of a plan. I grabbed my pocket knife and headed down stairs. "I'm ready I guess." I said unsure. "Let's go." He ordered grabbing me and throwing me in the truck. There lay my brother and mother dead. Looking completely life less. I check them both for breathing. They were barley catching air. I woke Cameron up and got him settled but my mom was in great risk of losing her battle. "Cam" I said softly. "What is she okay." He struggled. "She's she's gone." I said bursting out in tears. "Oh my god." Cameron said crying. I held Cameron for as long as I could. The car stopped. I grabbed Cameron tighter. I was scared out of my mind. "Alright get out." They said pushing us out. "This ones a goner Nate the dump truck she go." One masked man said picking my mother up and carrying her away. I started balling my eyes out. I dropped to my knees. "What do you want from us please tell us." I begged screaming and crying. "Chady boy." The one man said. I looked up completely unaware. Chad walked out. "Hey patience you okay?" He said dropping to the ground. He was injured as well. Chad checked my face and he picked me up off the floor and hugged me. "I'm fine." I said quietly. "Camp." The one man said and pointed to opening gates. It was a prison but we didn't belong here. They must of had the wrong people. "You have the wrong people!" I screamed tears running down my face. "You're patience and these two dimwits are cameron and chad. You're the right people now move." He demanded. Cameron's face filled with anger and he snapped. He was so strong that he had snapped the handcuffs they had on him right off and went right for the masked man. "LISTEN BASTARD YOU TRASHED MY MOTHER YOU SICK DISGUSTING WORTHLESS SHIT AND YOU DONT CALL ME NO DIMWIT BITCH YOU TAKE US HOME RIGHT NOW OR I'LL WRECK YOU!" He yelled. He had the man pinned against the fence and the man snapped and four large muscular men picked cameron up and took him away. "No cameron!!" I screamed continuing to cry. "No, no,no." I cried pounding the ground. "Take her as well with chad." The masked man said to a group of large men. They picked me up and dragged chad behind. They threw us into a cell with Cameron who was balled up in the corner. I rushed to him and hugged him and checked his face. His face was clear of any cuts. They didn't hit him so they must find him valuable. Chad sat alone and looked out the window. "There's no bars on this window." Chad pointed out. Cam and I exchanged looks before we rushed to the window. Cameron punched a hole in the window and his arm was covered in blood and glass. All the alarms sound so we had to rush. I was last to get out. And my leg was stuck. I tugged and tried to get out but Cameron and chad had forgotten me and ran away. I sat there all alone stuck in a sharp surrounded window frame. "Damn it" I whispered. Tears fell from my face slowly. I looked off in the distance as chad and Cameron jumped the fence and ran. I smiled. In the worst possible time. I smiled because they were safe. They were free and although I wasn't and was most likely to be dead I could die knowing they would be okay. Next thing I know a group of soldiers come in and under one small helmet I saw eyes. eyes as deep as the ocean. 1000 memories passed through my mind. "Daddy." I said pointing to the smallest solider. My dad took his helmet off. He came over to me and looked at me with a straight face and I smiled hoping he'd help me but he took his hand and slapped me as hard as he could. My head snapped the opposite way. I held my cheek right after and all those memories started to burn and my anger rises. I forced my leg out and I brought him to the floor. I held him down and punched him until you make out his face over the purple and red marks and cuts covering it. "You're a disgusting bastard." I said spitting on his as I finished. I got up and blooded dropped from my leg. I passed the soldiers as they were all to afraid to mess with me and they were so focused on my dad. I got outside and I saw the fence. I ran as fast as I could with glass shards in my leg. Alarms filled my ears and then gun shots. They surrounded me but not enough. I was close enough to escape and I climbed under the fence and dashed into the forest. It was full of wild life and in the far distance Cameron and chad. I dashed past every animal and jumped very rock and I finally caught up to them. "Forget someone?" I said exhausted. "OH MY GOD." They yelled. They both hugged me and said their sorrys. We all had a group hug and then we made it to the open road. We follows it back to town. We arrived back at my house and we called the ambulance to come get me. Chad waited to make sure I was okay to get on the ambulance and they dropped him off at his house for safety's reasons and I was being treated as soon as I knew it again in a hospital bed. "What happened." A voice peaked from the entrance door. Cameron got up and balled his fists up and the nurses rushed in. It was my dad. "You wake your ass our of this hospital right now or I'll hit you harder than losing my own mom felt." Cameron threatened. Wih no questions asked my dad walked out and left flowers on the side table. "Don't touch those, nobody touch them." Cameron warned. Cameron put gloves on and squeezed the flowers. Poison dropped out of every petal. "I knew it." Cameron said dropping the flowers and striking out if the room to find my dad. Everything was at peace until my bastard of a dad comes along. Nobody likes him not even strangers. I'm just afraid that my fathers next victim is us. After all why would he do Thai to the ones he loved the most? Well we were his weakness and he lives around having no weakness. "I feel like nothing can go well at this point right now." I whispered and looked out the window...

To be continued...

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