Part 1A

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I think you could say that today is nothing more than a series of unfortunate events out of all the constants in my life, why does it always seem like that the odds are stacked against me? I wonder a droid binds my hands together and attaches the binding to the ground. I slump down and survey the area around me in hopes that I can escape. Across from me is an alien couple, she catches my eye and bares her teeth at me. "What are you looking at?" She hisses, her accent is some sort of Iridonian accent but she doesn't look like a Zabrak to me. The only thing that bears some resemblance to one is the crown of horns and the nightbrother tattoos across her bare skin which is interesting because she's female.

"Nothing..." Her eyes squint at me and I know I'm in trouble.

"Don't mess with me girl." Her violet eyes squint at me before she launches herself from the arms of her partner and the chains that were supposed to hold her down. I feel her fist collide with my face as I aim a kick at her stomach. Cries of fear and surprise echo through the transport as the Zygerrian slavers move up the isles to separate us. My own chains tumble to the ground as we stumble around until I slam her head into the nearest pole and feel someone grab my arm.

"Who do you think you are?" Someone else hisses,

"I don't have time for this..." I mutter as I quickly twist my arm, springing backwards out of the range of the closest Zygerrian and his electric whip. A blood-curdling scream rattles me to the bone as I watch the male Zabrak crumple to the ground.

"You will pay for this!" She yells diving onto me, clawing at my neck as I hold her just out of reach. We go back and forth as if we were dancers punching, kicking, and making grabs towards each other's hair. The one common goal we both had seemed to be to stay out of the reach of the slavers. I sense something isn't right and quickly jump to the left as an electric whip snags her through the air where I had just been. Fear overtakes her as she struggles against them.

"Don't let her get away!" Someone yells and when I thought it couldn't get any worse of course it does. Several slavers pour down into the holding area.

"Kriff!" I just want an out as I have a stupidly brilliant idea; the window. At this moment I decide to use the force to save my skin hoping no one notices that the window is starting to shake. Shouts of surprise echo through the transport as I feel the glass scrap my skin and the cold air pricks at my face as I free fall. I use the force to slow my fall and as soon as I hit the ground I can sense I'm not alone.

"You obviously are worth something..." I hear someone say as a Trandoshan creep out of the underbrush but he is not the one speaking. "Who are you running from?" I turn to see a taller Mandalorian with green armor.

"We got her boss. So how do you think she's worth?" The Mandalorian seems to study me trying to figure out how much I'd be worth.

"I think Jabba would pay us good money for her." He says after a pause and goes to lift my chin up with his forefinger but instead, I bite him. He lets out a grunt of pain before knocking me to the ground. "That was your first mistake."

"Was it n-?" I realize I'm in trouble as soon as the stun blast hits my skin and I blackout.

"Today isn't my greatest day ever..." I mumble as I come back to reality and find myself locked up in a holding cell and tied to the wall.

"You can say that again." The Trandoshan hisses and I silent start screaming. "Boss, I think somethings wrong with her. I swear her eyes just changed color."

"Well, I think you've had too much to drink." The Mandalorian mutters as a new shadow appears.

"My oh my, what do you have here?" Another Mandalorian enters the room and her voice gives her away as female. I am unable to distinguish the color of her armor because it is so dirty and scratched up.

"Ni told gar brokar stay dayn be ner way." I told you to stay out of my way. The green one growls in Mando'a and I struggle to piece together the language, but I get the point that this isn't gonna end good.

"Tayli'bac, vaabir gar really mirdir ni ulur? Ni rejorhaa'ir gar brokar vaabir kebise an te ca'nara." Okay, do you really think I care? I tell you to do stuff all the time. She stops as he shoves her and the Trandoshan steps out of the way - also predicting trouble.

"Get out so I don't have to kill you."

"Gladly Boba." Boba? I file that name away as something probably important that I should look into later. She forcefully walks through his shoulder and exits whatever type of transportation we're on. With that, he disappears up a ladder and leaves me with the creepy Trandoshan who won't stop staring at me.

"I wonder if you're a good hunting sport." He reaches out to touch me and duck, slipping out of my restraints. "BOSS! She got out!"

"What do you mean she got out?" I hear him yell in an angry tone from upstairs as we take off. "What did you do?"

"Nothing she just got out?" There is a decent amount of cursing and stomping around as this Boba climbs down the ladder.

"Are we going to have a problem?" He growls at me and I find myself vaguely amused.

"I'm not sure are we?" I reply in a snarky voice and the Trandoshan growls some in audible threat.

"Watch her, as long as she stays in the cell I don't care what she does." I smirk at him and he nods at his boss.

When we finally land there's a decent amount of time before anyone comes looking for me. I stare intently at the ceiling and gently tap my feet against the wall. "Let's go." He opens the door to the cell and stares at me.

"Sounds good." I mutter and continue to not look at him and tap my foot like an obnoxious child.

"I said let's go."


"Time to go." He tries again


"Are you going to make me drag you there?"

"Maybe." He roughly grabs my arm and drags me out of the cell and out of the cargo hold to a blinding desert.

"Let's go." He growls again and the Trandoshan gives us a weird look.

"Um, was this part of the plan."


"Yes." I interrupt and he immediately stuns me as if he thought that he was the getting relief.



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