Part 3D

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It doesn't take long for us to overwhelm them and I brush my hair out of my eyes that has come unbraided when the last body falls. "We have to go to Bryeli that the owner sent them steal the rest of our spice."

"What in blazes was that kriffing noise you guys?" I hear The Boss call out as he stomps down the hallway, but he stops when he sees Wern and I standing awkwardly in the middle with four bodies behind us. "I knew it! I'm going to call that Huttspawn back and we're going to have a very long discussion about him cheating me. Also Wern, clean up your arm – I can't lose you."

"Yes sir, Verse right?" I nod staring at the blaster wound in
his shoulder. "Follow me."

"Are you sure you don't need help with your arm?"

"Nah, I got it."

"Are you sure?"

"This is your room, one of us will come get you when you're
needed next."

"Excuse me?" I stare at Wern confused, wondering why he hates me already. Just my luck that it has to be locked when I try the door and he disappeared who knows where on this ridiculously set up freighter. A familiar beeping noise from inside the room tears me out of my pity party, "A47, open this door now!!" I scream at her and smack my hand on the door when she refuses too. "Please A47!" I don't know how she beat me here, but my hand hurts and I'm not having it. Who knows how long I stand outside of that door, but she finally opens it for me. As my anger continues to rise I grab my bagand begin throwing the contents out around the room instead of putting them away until I reach my comm link. Ahsoka picks up the call shortly after I press the call button and I know this was a bad time to call her. "I'm sorry, I can call back at another time. I guess I just wanted to tell you that I got here safely..."

"Verse, you really expect me to believe that?" She says with a preoccupied tone,


"How's the crew?"

"Well "The Boss" seems to think that I'm not qualified to be here and the only other permeant crew member hates me for some reason." I say as she watches me and I get the feeling that she's about to lecture me with some sort of wisdom her master taught her. "You're going to yell at me aren't you..."

"Since when do I yell?"

"I don't know, generally I just get yelled at a lot when I
screw up on missions..."

"I'm not Maul, but have you gotten to know them yet?" I pause and look at the grey flooring, "Probably not, there is so much more to a person than what's just on the surface."

"I guess..." She smiles and tells me that she has to go now.



"I know that this is the right place for you, trust me." I sigh as she signs off trying to mentally prepare myself to unpack/clean up my room when a sudden knock scares the living daylights out of me. When I open the door the boss is standing at the door with his arms folded.

"Dinnertime." With one last look at A47 I shut the door behind me and stand next to him a bit surprised that he isn't much taller than me.

"Lead the way." We walk down the hallway in silence and I can tell that he's lost in thought when he suddenly grabs my arm to get me to stop when I keep waling straight.

"This is the mess area, two hallways over the banged up red door is Wern's room, and my room is next to the cockpit – just in case you need anything..." I'm a little put off especially when Wern is making dinner when he leads me to sit down at a table with four chairs. "I'm Bryeli by the way, my only request is when we have hired hands that you don't address me by my name. So tell me how you got involved with The Rebellion, I'm interested to hear this because not many Jedi survived the attack on the temple." This makes me look at the table as Wern slides two plates across the table with such intensity I have to catch the edge of it to prevent whatever grain type dish from spilling over the edge.

"I am not a Jedi... I was trained by another renegade force user per say."

"Hm, so how'd you meet Fulcrum then?"

"I was sent to kill her, but obviously didn't."

"See Wern nothing to be mad at her for, even though I probably should've deduced from your hair and clothing choices that you weren't actually a Jedi."

"What does that mean?" I ask as Wern starts choking on his food, "What do you mean my clothes and my hair?"

"Generally Jedi have more basic clothing like tall boots and cookie cutter robes, you just have nothing like that." Bryeli looks to his companion across the way who thankful keeps his mouth shut as I continue to glare at him for what seems like an eternity.

"Look Verse, everyone knows that Bryeli is an imbecile. Now are you going to eat that or should I handle it myself?"

"If you touch my food I will kill you." This causes everyone to laugh as I kick him in the knee hard and devour my food. "This is good, I hope you cook more because I can't cook at all and I'm ninety-nine percent sure that he can't either." Wern looks up at me as I poke my fork in Bryeli's

"How'd you know?"

"Women's intuition or the reasoning that he thought he was too good to ever learn and then realized very shortly oh the ability to prepare food is a life skill you should be able to do if you're constantly running from crime syndicates and the Empire..." I shrug as I say which causes Wern to once again laugh.

"Alright you two, we have to drop of this cargo before we go work our next job." Bryeli gets up to go to the cockpit so we can leave this system and we sit in an awkward silence finishing our meals before I get up trying to figure out what to do for the next few hours as my body hasn't adjusted to the different time zones yet.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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