Part 2A

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I quietly enter into the inner rings of the compound coming face to face with Alk Doe, one of Maul's prized gladiators or warriors as he calls them when she looks me up and down quickly. "He is not happy today."

"What now?" We are two of the people closest to my master which makes me a little nervous if she says he isn't happy and I haven't heard it yet.

"Something about Dryden Vos's murder."

"Such a shame..."

"I know." Neither of us cared for him but Maul wanted to make sure that there was someone to be the scapegoat for him if everything goes downhill. "Just so you know Vos's special assistant is here."

"Oh goody." I mumble as she smirks at me before leaving to the barracks not doubt looking for her mate Zaal. I slowly make my way across the hall making sure that my Master can't sense me and that my shoes don't echo on the tile floor. I am about to open the door when a sharp yell stops me in my tracks.

"What do you mean people were asking questions?"

"They want to know how he died and who killed him."

"Well then, blame the smuggler."

"The only problem is the smuggler now works for Jabba, do you really want to be at war with the Hutt Syndicate?"

"No, that is not ideal for my plans." I inhale sharply before opening the door preparing for the worst and startling the jumpy pair.

"Verse nice of you to join us." Maul says dangerously,

"Yes." I survey the lady in the corner who is dressed in a black dress.

"Qi'ra." She volunteers,


"Good, now that you both know each other we're going to discuss the death of Dryden Vos. Verse, what do you know." My master's orange eyes stare into my soul as I smirk.

"We both know I didn't kill him."

"Really, Look you see how this looks, don't you? You've got motive, no alibi, and he died in the exact way I would imagine you kill." Qi'ra says plainly, looking very proud.

"I would've killed him slower if I used that method. And why would I stab him with a basic blade to start with?" I point out and gently undo my waist pouch before tossing Maul a burnt lightsaber hilt and a family crest pin.

"Interesting, but you're the only one who would've been able to manage something like that."

"Really? Because I just heard you admit to killing him." She gasps in mock surprise as my master growls angrily behind me. "Of course, it could've just been a freak accident right?" I correct myself now sure that she had at least a major hand in his death.

"Did you have trouble with any of them?" He asks drawing my attention back to

"No, master everything transpired just like you said it would."

"Good. Please gather your things for training." I nod and leave wondering what he's going to be having me do next.

I sit on the mat, surveying the training center that has been my home for some many months lately. I sense danger and quickly somersault forward just as my master's blade slices through the air, hitting the part of the mat I was just sitting on. My mind races a million miles an hour as I duck and dodge his sloppy attacks. "I see you have not forgotten your training yet." He mutters as the lightsaber skims the side of my head causing the skin there to burn and I feel the braid loosen as the hair disintegrates from the heat. I reach through the force, catching my saber with my weak hand. "You need to prove that you are ready." A sigh of annoyance escapes me and I sense anger well up in him. Quickly I block the three consecutive attacks he launches, one to my right side, a slash to my head, and a kick to my gut before launching myself into a backwards handspring. I bounce lightly off the ground and land on the balls of my feet when I make a mental note of two new beings entering the room behind me. I quickly scan the room as I sense he is going to try to toy with me again. I suddenly launch myself forward at him with enough force to knock him off balance and grab a basic training staff that won't do much until I disarm him.

"Interesting strategy." Qi'ra adds and I shoot her a hateful look. Maul momentarily stops and looks quizzically at his lieutenant which is all I need to take advantage of the situation. I knock his saber out of his hand with a simple yet powerful kick to his wrist while attaching my lightsaber to my belt. We both lunge for the weapon but I shove him aside and make very determined strikes with the metal staff to his head and neck. Once he collapses I bring his saber to myself and ignite both standing above him as part of me wonders what would happen if I was to kill him now.

"Next time Lieutenant, keep your thoughts to yourself. You know nothing of my training or work." I threaten as anger rips through my body when she smirks at me.

"You are ready, you will find Lady Tano and bring her to me. Then once she has joined us we will challenge Darth Sidious." I nod as he picks himself off the floor and dismisses me.

"Where are you going now?" I look up and see Alk Doe standing there in the corner.

"He's having me bring an Ahsoka Tano to help us defeat Sidious. I don't know but I just have a bad feeling about this."

"I get it, sometimes I wonder if he knows one-hundred percent what he's messing with. I think his biggest flaw is his overestimation of his abilities and everyone's around him. Why would this Ahsoka Tano help?"

"I guess she was trained by the Jedi but left. She was trained by an Anakin Skywalker maybe?"

"Yes, the 'Chosen One'." She says picking up my lightsabers from my dresser staring intently at the newest engraving. "Destruction? Interesting."

"What do you know about this Anakin Skywalker?"

"Not much, only what Zaal told me something like he saw him attack someone in an alley and stuff. You would have to ask him, but be careful you know how he is about our... childhood I guess if that's what you want to call it." She tosses me the saber and sighs as I sense her anxiety.

"What's bothering you?"

"Nothing, just Maul has me in a match against an opponent I'm not sure I can beat." Alk says as her violet eyes flash around my room one more time. "Don't worry about, make sure you get back here soon because I have some exciting news to share with you." She teases before leaving,

"Of course, please be careful." I mumble as the door clicks shut. "Please be careful Alk."

I walk with measured steps to the hanger as other people stop and stare at the girl who "killed" Dryden Vos. Whispers make their ways through the hallway about how I killed him with his very own blade, that I am an ex-inquisitor, and even ones about I'm Maul's girlfriend which I find completely horrid. Netherless, I ignore them all and meet the stupid dark-haired lieutenant that Maul is currently spoiling it seems. I subconsciously reach for my saber and slowly tap the handle as I glare daggers into her soul hoping she gets the message. "Your Master was busy and I decided that there was no reason to inconvenience him now is there?"

"Of course not." I match her snide tone and immediately walk to my fighter. "A47, please prepare the hyperdrive for the coordinates in this device." With that I climb into the cockpit and prepare for take off. 



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