Drift Away

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You played me like a guitar

Twanged the strings of my heart

Used me to play five bars

The worst I've heard, by far

You were discordant and shallow

Your music, it was hard to swallow

You broke those strings in the end

Abandoned me, my dearest friend

I'm in a crowd, yet I'm alone

The pain wears me down to the bone

I wish my heart was made of stone

So I wouldn't mind being on my own

Love is blind, they say

Yet I'm surprised it went this way

Something perfect is now gone

And I wonder, what's right, what's wrong?

"You'll move on", people say,

"There will come a day

When she's just a memory

Of something that used to be."

I know they're right, they're true

But that's the problem, cause you

Gave me hope that won't die

Even when seeing you makes me cry

You played a dangerous game

One that has no name

One that you won, cause see

You're already over me

But I'm hanging on to this distant hope

Like a climber to a thin rope

One that's coming apart in my hands

And I'm left looking at tiny strands

Everything I knew is in shambles

My speech is full of rambles

Though I gave us every try

I still hold on, God knows why!

Maybe it's time to just let go

Fall off the cliff, down to the shore

Let the sea wash over me

Blurring your memory

And then I'll drift away

With the waves, I'll sway

And when I wake, maybe I'll be

A happier version of me.

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