Nothing To Lose, Everything To Gain

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I'm just lying in bed

Got all these songs in my head

I remember the ones that were "ours"

The songs I'd imagine playing in towers

That music that'd feel oh-so-right

Those tunes that would ease my plight

They're now nothing but a blight

Eating away at my might

How could it be that something so perfect

Is now broken, and not worth it?

How did life become so dreary?

Everyday making me weary?

That voice I once longed to hear

Now falls like a whip on my ears

Those bumps of joy and delight

Turn into chills of fright

I'm waiting for a wake-up call

So I can rise, stop this fall

Get back on my feet

Smile at you the next time we meet

Smile, not cause I want you to stay

Smile, cause here's what I have to say

"Thank you for what you've done

You've freed me, to find someone

Someone who won't be so stern

Someone who, for my love will yearn

Someone who, about me will care

Be the weather dark or fair

Someone who will stay by my side

Through all of life's bumpy rides

Someone who'll be the 'real one'

Shine in my life, like the sun

Burn away the shadows of yesterday

Look into my eyes, and say

'Forget the scars of days past

I'm here, with a love that will last'"

I will find that one

The one person who won't lift a gun

Shoot me through the heart, and say

"Things are better this way."

So go on, do what you must

Cause you've already lost my trust

And soon will come the day

When you hear me say

"Gone is what I once held

And I've made my amends

My heart is whole once again

Nothing to lose, everything to gain."

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