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Twelve elements have to work together to help earth run properly however one or them is missing, and it's been 10 years since they were last seen leaving for a trip to earth.

The partnered elements aren't allowed to go to earth if they haven't found their partner, and that happens to be what happened to the darkness element, Colby Brock. His partner is missing and him and all the other elements are on the hunt for him, not believing the rumours that he's dead. A single news article from earth sends hope into the eleven elements as a single beam of light appears on earth, saving it slightly from the constant darkness it lives in.

Now more determined then ever the eleven friends go on a stronger hunt only to find out the remaining element may be a lot closer than they originally thought.

This is the story of the 24 hour cycle, known as day and night.


"Colby! Get your ass back down here!" Jakes voice traveled down the corridor making a chuckle leave my lips. I threw the purple hoodie over my torso, shaking my hair out before leaving my room, making sure to shut the door behind me.

"Coming Jake!" I laughed walking down the stairs to the main living bit. "What Jacob?" I shrugged crossing my arms against my chest hiding a smile seeing the glare being sent my way. My eyes focused on Jakes hand gripping at the, now empty, oreo container.

"Did you finish of my Oreos?" I pulled the hoodie sleeves over my hands shaking my head slightly at him.

"No jacob," I lied watching him closely. His hand left the container as he slowly walked towards me, making me take multiple steps back gasping when a small ring of fire surrounded me. "Look you went down to earth Jake! I haven't been able to. I miss Oreos!" I quickly blurted out.

"So it was you! You little shit!" He joked pointing at me, the little flames getting higher slightly.

"Jake!" I yelled as they bent slightly towards me. I sent a quick wave of my hand towards Jake making darkness completely cover him, the flames getting higher as Jake panicked.

All of a sudden, a circle of water appeared above the flames, before crashing down extinguishing the heat.

"Thank you Tara!" I called out to her as the small female rounded the corner shaking her head.

"You guys are children I swear, make Jake see again," she smirked heading over to her boyfriend and poking him. Another wave of my hand was sent in Jakes direction, evaporating the dark smoke that was surrounding him.

"It was all a little bit of fun Tara," I laughed dragging the 'n' out and batting my eyelashes at her.

"Stop using your power Colby, you're going to end up weakening yourself and making earth even darker since we don't know where light is." She lectured "and you stupid," she muttered turning to Jake and  hitting him gently on the back of his head "we brought them Oreos back for Colby since he isn't allowed to travel,"

"I know, but it's always fun to annoy and scare him," Jake joked.

"Still no sign of light?" I frowned making the mood completely shift to a more serious topic.

"Sadly no Colby," Tara muttered as Kat stepped through the door, also back from her earth trip quickly followed by Devyn, their hands linked securely together.

"We're under the impression that light isn't even on earth but here. We just don't know where," Kat added on pulling Devyn into a tight hug.

24 hour cycle // Solby AU (DC)Where stories live. Discover now