waking up

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It felt like waking up from a very real dream because the next thing Mike knows, a pair of big glasses are pulled from his face and the first person he sees is a bald man in a white coat. The man is smiling at him, but it doesn't look very friendly.

"So, how was it?" He asked, going back to his desk.

How was it? How was what?
Where's El? What just happened?

"What's going on?" He asked nervously, looking around the room with panic-stricken eyes. Mike is in a very bright room, the walls are white and a big glass window is on his left. He sits on a stiff leather couch and his heart is beating in his throat.

"The Simulation ended! How do you feel?"

"T-The Simulation?" He questioned.

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what? Where's El?"

"You signed up for the Simulation about-" He looked at his watch. "-2 hours ago!"

"Wait what?!" This is all too much. This has got to be a dream. Yes, he's in a coma because of the car that hit him and now he's dreaming in delirium. That's got to be it.

"Yes, you agreed to be apart of the Simulation testing! Was it real enough?"

Oh it was more than that.

"W-Where's El?" Mike repeated. He just wanted to be back in her arms again.

"She was all apart of the Simulation!"

"S-She's not r-real?"

"Nope! Just something to make the experience more pleasurable." The man answered. Mike could swear he's going insane. Everything that just happened, the whole day they spent together, the car ride, the dancing, the kiss, the sunset, the music. It was all just.. a simulation?

What about everything before that? He was living a whole different life and now he's back here in his body? Why doesn't it feel right? Somethings off.

"T-that makes no sense. El is real! She's real!" Mike insisted. The man only shook his head, "No, Micheal. She isn't."

"B-But that can't be right. If she was apart of the Simulation, shouldn't she be real person then?"

"Nope! We made her up!"

"What the fuck is going on?" He mumbled to himself, rubbing his forehead. The man was writing down things on a clipboard and Mike was dying to know what he was writing.

"What are you writing?"

"Just some notes based off of your behavior after your experience. Do you remember anything before the Simulation?"


"Mhm, I see." He note quietly.

"So everything that just happened, the whole life I just lived was..fake?"

"Yeah, basically."

"But it felt so real.. I-I loved her. I know I wouldn't be able to love someone if they weren't a real person. She has to be out there, I know she is."

"Micheal, you're just a little shaken up after your experience. She isn't real, I can assure you. Would you like a glass of water?"

"No. I'm not shaken up and you can't assure me anything! She's real! I just know it!" He stood up off of the chair and the man stood up just as fast.

"Micheal I need you to sit back down."

"No! I'm not answering anymore of your bullshit questions! I'm finding El!" He strided to the door, but the man stopped him.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, milevenWhere stories live. Discover now