Chapter Ten - Warg Scouts

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The midday sun was warm against Adriel's back as they rode towards Helm's Deep. She knew deep down that Theoden had his people's best interest in mind but she couldn't help but feel he was leading them into a trap. Adriel shook her head and banished the thought from her mind as she continued to ride. Eowyn led Arod as Gimli sat in the saddle rambling on about the history of Dwarves, Adriel turned her head towards the babbling Dwarf as he continued.

"It's true you don't see many Dwarf women," he explained happily to Eowyn, "And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance that they're often mistaken for Dwarf men." Adriel snorted loudly as she turned to look at Legolas who walked beside Hasufel.

"Was that what happened? You mistook her for a man?" Adriel asked Legolas quietly in a joking manner as the Witch held back a laugh, referring to when he had asked Gloin if Gimli's own mother was Gloin's brother. The Prince rolled his eyes as he continued to look forward.

"It was the beard," he uttered. Adriel laughed softly as she looked back to where Gimli still continued to speak, Eowyn had a huge smile plastered to her face as she listened to him.

"And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no Dwarf women and that Dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground!" He exclaimed as he waved his hands in the air Eowyn laughed loudly as she continued to lead Arod, "Which is, of course, ridiculous," he grumbled. Suddenly Arod bolted forward causing Gimli to yell, he rolled off the horse backwards and landed hard on his back. Adriel burst out laughing as she watched the Dwarf flail on the ground, Eowyn laughed as well before jogging to help him up from the ground. "It's alright. It's all right. Nobody panic. That was deliberate. It was deliberate," he said in a gruff voice as Eowyn pulled him up. Adriel's side hurt from laughing so hard but the smile that had made its way to her face didn't waver. She looked back to where Legolas walked beside her, a large grin made its way onto his face as he watched Eowyn brush grass off of the flustered Dwarfs back.

"We should probably teach him how to actually ride a horse, hmm?" Adriel hummed to Legolas. He looked up to her and nodded slowly, his grin growing wider.

"That would most likely be very wise," he gently responded as he slowly looked away. After a while of silent walking Legolas pulled himself into Hasufel's saddle behind Adriel, his long arms snaking around her waist, grabbing the reins. Adriel sighed and leaned back into his chest, closing her eyes as she felt some relief. Although her side was mostly healed there was still a small throbbing pain, enough to make her uncomfortable. Suddenly flashes of fire crossed Adriel's vision only to be replaced by the sight of a dark rider atop a Fellbeast, the Witch King. Her eyes snapped open and she took a deep breath, her heart racing wildly in her chest.

"Adriel?" Legolas asked softly from behind her. Adriel swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat before slightly turning to look back at him.

"A vision," she murmured softly. Adriel slowly let herself sink back into his chest, her heart still pounding ferociously in her chest. The shrieks of the beast still echoing through her ears. Legolas's grip on her tightened, she could hear his breath hitch.

"Sauron?" he whispered. Adriel shook her head slightly, taking a shaky breath.

"The King of Angmar," she muttered back. He seemed to growl as she mentioned the fallen king. The Elven Prince placed a firm kiss on the side of her head as they continued on.

As the sun started to sink towards the ground creating a dull orange glow Theoden decided it was time to stop for the night. Legolas slipped off of Hasfusel, landing gracefully on the grassy ground before turning towards Adriel and reaching up. His hands gently gripping her waist as he pulled her down from the horse's back, she smiled at him as he placed her carefully on the ground.

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