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Hey guy srry for the long wait, thanx for all of your patience and heres the next addition to married to my teacher.


And I looked up at the ceiling groaning out loud saying, "not another unwanted guest!"

 And then I realized the maid had said a FEW.

 Meaning there were more than one and I groaned once more waiting for whom ever it was to arrive.

 And as soon as the first person entered the room my glass of orange juice fell from my hand and stained the light coloured carpet as all my features froze............

~~~~End Of Recap~~~~

Chapter 8

Part C

Rose's P~O~V

All I could do was stare at the figure in front of me as he searched the room and all of our faces, his eyes roamed over Lance and Lilith. Though when his eyes came to where Ruby the girl that had a crush on Lance was an angry expression came on to his face and he started to go towards her.

Though before he could get any closer to her in his rage he mistakenly tripped over my feet and then got back up in an in-human speed and was about to do something. but before he could Lance got in the front of me and crouched in an protective stance andd hissed at David.

Lance what're you doing that's David from school! I yelled in Lance's mind to calm him down still a little confused and a little curious. 

"He's not who you think he is!" Lance said to me while his eyes were still on David.

Beyond confused with everything that was happening I just stood on the side while My husband Lance and my highschool bully and childhood bestfriend David were literally going at each others throats, though before any true chaos could break loose I heard Ruby say a few words that I could not understand and all of a sudden a magic barrier formed in between Lance and David.

I hugged Lance from behind to make him calm down a bit while from the corner of my vision I could see Ruby go to David with almnost the same wxpression her face, which was of Love and worry.

Even if that look only stayed on Ruby's face for a mere 2 minutes I now had gotten a few of my unanwsered questions anwsered.

I still wanted to be sure that my assumptions were right and so when things down and Lance had forcefully sat me on his lap because if I didn't he'd go on his wildd rage and attack David once more, I broke he silence in the room by asking my questions.

"So...David why are you at my home?" I asked him breaking him out of the glare thing he had going with Ruby.

And don't be mistaken, it's SO not a lovey dovey look but a true hate glare sort of thing going on with the two of them.

"Your home?!" He almost yelled at me shock and confusion clear on his face.

"Yes, HER HOME AND MINES" said Lance enraged by the tone of voice David used on  me.

"What?" David asked now looking at Lance with more hate in his eyes.

"Lance is my husband and I should warn to stop looking at him in this sort of way." I said to David in a stern tone.

It took us another hour or so tto correctly explain to David that Lance and I were married and this was my new and own home. It also took us or should I say me another 3 hours or so to understand that David was actually really his royal highness crown prince Damon O'conelle and that he and Ruby were married and that Ruby was actually the main heir to the Tyler Wood Industries. (Wow that's alot to take in for one night.)

And so a deal was made to keep all of our secrets and that we would help one another out if ever in trouble, though I doubted Lance would ever help Dav-I mean Damon and that Damon would ever help Lance if ever any of these two would be in trouble.

But any how even after all that both Damon and Ruby refused to go away no matter how many hints Lance, Lilith and I gave them about how tired we are or how it's way over midnight and how we have school tomorrow.

Though still Ruby's excuse was that she needed to discuss the classes schedule and whatever might have happened class today with Lance and Damon refused to go until Ruby did 'cause he'd been forced to come and get her and won't be given permission to enter his own home unless Ruby is with him.

And this went on for another hour or so until it was 5 am in the morning and I started getting more and more agitated by each single milisecond in a second.

Thus when my grouchyness got the best of me I did the only thing I could and went over to the Pc installed in our living room and called the in-human security to securely show our two guests to the door.

And soon after our guest had finally been shown to the door I turned to our maid to ask who the other guest was or were and where exactly were they.

"Um....about her" the maid stuttered a bit and was afraid to say the rest till Lance gave her an impatient look, "she said that she did not need to be shown around since this was her husbands home and that to tell her hubby to hurry up and meet him in their room. Since there will be serious redecoration done to the house." she completed in one breath and closed her eyes too afraid to see any of our reactions.

Which was probably a good thing because each and everysingle person in the room was frozen since we already knew who it'd be.........


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