What A Strange Dream

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** Dakota's POV **

As I walked back to the cabin I began shaking.

Maybe its adrenaline? I thought to myself as I walked past the smoking bonfire, I had attempted to put out earlier. It looked like it was getting ready to ignite again as clouds of smoke billowed out from the burnt logs. I glanced down and saw the bucket I had used was still half filled with water. As I mentally processed what had just happened, I picked up the bucket and poured the it out onto the logs.

Again, I fell into a bit of an argument with myself about whether or not I should report that strange event.

AB: We should call the Rangers.

HB: What are they going to do about it? It was just a cute, cuddly black wolf.

AB: Correction, it was a HUGE, black, shadow demon that wanted to eat us.

HB: That wolf, and all the wolves in general, have been here longer than we have. Besides, the Rangers know that, and we scared her off anyway. We already did what we were supposed to do. It's fine.

AB: I think you are missing the point. Yes, we scared off ONE wolf; but do you not remember the ARMY WE HEARD?

CB (Conspiracy brain): The people have a right to know!

AB: I agree. It's time to tell the people so they can be safe.

HB: ...

AB: All in favor say "Aye". Aye!

CB: Aye!

HB: Nay.

AB: Sucks to be you, we're already dialing.

My hand finished pressing the buttons and I brought the phone to my ear. It was two in the morning now and I wasn't sure any Rangers would even be at the station: most forest preserves don't even have overnight staff. I decided to hang up. I would just get some sleep and call when I woke up the next day. After all, I hadn't heard anymore howling or seen any weird things outside since that bizarre encounter.

I got ready to sleep, kissed Silvy goodnight between the ears and walked up the stairs to the loft. As I got into bed, I kept thinking about that wolf.

HB: Were we dreaming or did she look... happy to see us?

AB: It wasn't happy to see us, it was happy to find its next meal.

I waved both thoughts away and urged my brain to quiet down so I could fall asleep.

Before long though I was thinking of her howl before she walked away.

HB: The sound was... well, it was so gentle and warm. If I didn't know better, I'd say it sounded inviting.

AB: That was the sound of being declared her next hunt.

Why was I even thinking about this so much? I mean no matter how much my animal lover brain wanted to just take her home, cuddle her and take care of her, it didn't matter because it just wasn't possible and I was probably imagining things. I tried to focus on falling asleep but the wolf just wouldn't leave my mind.

Even as my body, exhausted from the adrenaline rush and the surge of emotions, drifted to sleep I kept thinking about what it would have been like to have her with me. I'm sure she would be the kind of animal who just cuddles up right next to you and makes you feel safe all throughout the night... I thought, before slipping into a dream.

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