Tell Me More

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** Lia's POV **

I was grateful Dakota ignored my admission of love as we rode the elevator to the first floor. I couldn't believe I had let my wolf say that. I shook my head slightly in an attempt to rid my mind of the memory. As I looked back to the doors in anticipation Dakota spoke.

"So, is Al a werewolf?" I stepped to the side as the doors opened and gestured for her to exit as a true gentleman would. I nodded when she locked eyes with me as she passed. "And Frankie?" She continued.

"Yes." I replied gently, "As a matter of fact, it's easier to tell you who isn't than who is." I smiled as I subconsciously held out my hand to her. It wasn't until I saw her hesitation return that I realized what I had done. "Sorry," I said, as I started to withdraw my hand.

"No." She quickly stated, and she slowly stepped forward as her hand tentatively found its way to mine. Sparks ran rampant across my skin at her touch. I wanted, with every fiber of my being, to pull her into a hug and show her how much I needed her. For now, I told myself, this will do.

I beamed at her when I saw the corners of her mouth turn upward. "So, food. Right." I said allowed as I gathered my thoughts again. "What do you like to eat?" I asked her as I pulled her in the direction of the dining room.

"Well, right now I would love some biscuits and gravy." As she said this, her stomach growled so loud anyone in the room could have heard it.

I smiled again, "A woman after my own heart." I winked at her as I led her into the room, "That's one of my favorites." I continued, "and, if I'm to be completely honest, no one makes it better than our own Chef Tess."

Good Morning Tess, are you in the kitchen? I asked her as I guided Dakota through the dining room. "Do you want to sit in one of the lounge areas or up at the bar?" I inquired, I wanted to make Dakota as comfortable as possible since we were going to be having a rather interesting conversation very shortly.

I sure am hon, what can I get ya? Tess replied.

Dakota and I both will have an order of your famous biscuits and gravy if that's alright. Could you make mine two though? I replied to Tess.

Just then Dakota said, "I'd love to sit at the bar area. The way that food smells, I want to be right up by the kitchen so I don't have to wait a second longer than need be to dive into it." I couldn't help but chuckle at Dakota's response. "Bar it is." I said as I pulled a stool out for her. Better make that two orders for her too. I told Tess.

Sounds like you have yourself a keeper their hon. Four orders of biscuits and gravy coming right up! Tess replied as I took my seat next to Dakota.

Dakota was already looking around for a menu before saying, "I can't wait to order!"

"Don't worry about that," I replied, "I already did that for us." My smile seemed to be plastered on my face as I watched her cute expressions change from hunger to confusion, then, slowly, to dawning realization.

"You mean with that thought thing you do?" She asked as she pointed to her ear.

"Yes, although we call that mind-linking." I replied with another chuckle. She is far too cute.

"I see, and how does that work?" She inquired.

"Well, there are only a few ways mind-linking works." I began as I bent over the counter and grabbed each of us a glass. "Water or juice?" I asked as I began to fill mine with orange juice.

"Pineapple juice if you have it." Dakota replied.

"Wonderful choice." I said as I filled her glass. I continued as I handed her glass to her, "We can mind-link, as far as I understand it, with relatives, pack members and our mates. Although we can't start mind-linking until our inner wolves have woken up." I shrugged. "It's harder to explain than I thought, but that's probably because I've been doing it since I was twelve."

"You have been a werewolf since you were twelve?" Her eyes widened as she asked the question.

"Well, no. I've been a werewolf since I was born. My wolf woke up when I was twelve." I replied simply.

"I don't understand." She said and after she took a sip of her juice she continued, "I thought you had to be scratched by a werewolf to become one." Her eyes grew again, this time colored with fear. "Oh my gosh! Were you scratched as a baby?" she said full of concern.

A few members of the pack passed by at that moment and stopped to see the commotion on the way to their seats. When they saw me they all stiffened and one of them said, "Sorry Al- Chief. We didn't know you and L- um," they hesitated a little longer than necessary and I knew they had no idea how to navigate their statement given the circumstances.

"It's alright." I said with a small smile. "Have a good breakfast."

"But, Chief, it's disrespectful for us to not--"

"It's all good," I said to them as my eyes widened to get my point across. "You go have a good breakfast and make sure to train hard today." I said as my smile found its way back to my face. As they made their way to their table I turned my gaze back to Dakota.

"I'm sorry about that," I apologized and took a sip of my juice before I continued. "No. I wasn't scratched as a baby. There are two ways," I hesitated, as I remembered that Dakota was, in fact, a perfect representation of the oldest way to become a werewolf. "Three ways," I corrected myself, "to become a werewolf. The most well-known is to be scratched or bitten by a werewolf. Turning humans has been banned throughout the world for centuries. It was an extremely cruel and barbaric way of passing on the wolf legacy and, as such, only happens now by Rogue wolves who have, well, gone rogue." I shrugged as I finished the sentence.

"The second and most common way to ensure the existence of werewolves is for us to procreate with another werewolf." I smiled as I looked at my mate. "I was a product of that." I stated and gave Dakota, what I hoped was, a suave wink.

"The third way is the oldest and was how the original werewolves were born. We refer to and treat these wolves, as well as their descendants, as royals. You remember that legend I told you the other day? The one about a group of Italian witches who had asked the Moon Goddess for her blessing to protect the forest?"

"Yes." She replied and leaned forward, closer to me. Her whole body seemed to eagerly await my next words.

"Well, they were the original werewolves. They begged and pleaded with the Moon Goddess to give them the power needed to protect their lands from the men who sought to destroy them. After proving themselves and their devotion to the Moon Goddess," I said as I realized just how similar Dakota's situation was to my centuries old grandmother, "she gave them the ability to turn into wolves." I smiled at her as her eyes brightened.

"I can't believe werewolves exist." She said as she looked to the shelves behind the bar and shook her head. "But, wait." Her eyes found mine again, "My parents aren't wolves, and I was never scratched that I know of." She paused as she processed that information. "I don't ever remember asking the Moon Goddess to become a wolf either." Her voice was full of confusion.

I shrugged, "I don't know either. What I do know is that you certainly are a werewolf. We wouldn't be able to mind-link if you weren't."

Just then Tess came out of the kitchen doors with two massive plates filled with biscuits and gravy. "Here you go my lovelies." She said as she placed them before us. "Now, Luna, don't be scared to dig in. I've heard you've had one hell of a time the past few days, so eat up!" Tess's smile grew at the end of her statement.

"Tess's food is, by far, the best I've ever had." I told Dakota as I picked up my fork. I smiled at Tess as she nodded and made her way back to the kitchen. I watched as Dakota filled her fork with the food and brought it to her mouth.

As she closed her mouth around it, her face lit up and she let out a hearty "Mmm!" of excitement. Before she finished her chewing she said, "These are delicious!" and proceeded to take another few bites before speaking again.

She loves your food Tess. You are the best. I told Tess as I began eating my breakfast.

Like I said hon, she's a keeper. She replied.

"Hey Lia," Dakota began as I was in the process of taking another bite, "why did she call me Luna?"

In response I inhaled sharply and nearly choked on a piece of biscuit.

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