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*** Dakota's POV ***

I let out a breath I hadn't even realized I'd been holding. I was in shock. There in the moonlight was the wolf. The very same, beautiful wolf that had looked so innocent and kind the night before, and she now stood over the bloodied body of a man who had pointed his gun at me...

It looked to me, as I stood completely frozen, with pain in it's eyes.

HB: Oh my god, the shot! It must be hurt!

AB: EXCUSE ME? That man is HURT! That wolf is DEADLY!

It turned to walk back to the forest, but it did slowly, and it was then that I noticed the limp.

HB: It saved our life and now it clearly needs our help! Look at that limp!

AB: ...and we thank it. Profusely. Now let's thank it from the safety of our cabin!

HB: I'll call Lia, she'll know what to do! Though if it killed someone, they would probably have to put it down...

AB: DON'T. Don't you dare!

WB: Do it. Help her.

AB: You again! Who the hell are you?

HB: Doesn't matter, we're helping that wolf.

"Here girl! Come here! I won't hurt you!" I called out to the wolf.

AB: Great! Now, how are we going to get it to promise not to hurt US?

The wolf's ears perked up and it turned in my direction. She hesitated, head cocked to the side slightly.

"That's it, come here girl. Let me help!" I had nursed plenty of forest animals back to health growing up.

HB: Exactly, we've rescued bunnies and ducklings before, surely a giant wolf would be no different.


WB: It'll be fine.

AB: Again, who the hell are you? AND WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?!

WB: Doesn't matter, grab the blanket.

The wolf slowly began walking towards me. Despite the blood dripping from her chin, she looked completely non-threatening. As she reached the porch steps, I grabbed the blanket I had been wrapped in while on the swing and I went to meet her half way. I moved slowly so as not to scare her and proceeded to carefully and slowly scooped her up in my arms.

AB: Are you insane?! Sure! Let's just eliminate any way to protect ourselves and put the wolf's BLOODY teeth right next to our tender, and delectable face. Do you want some dessert poochie pooch?

HB: If she were going to kill us, she would have done it already. Now hush up and let me figure out what to do. Maybe we should google this.

I gingerly set the wolf down on my kitchen floor. I initially wanted to bring her to the tub to rinse out her wound but I was worried such an enclosed space would cause her to panic. A small voice spoke up in the back of my mind, which felt instinctual, and whispered, "You are safe."

I held the blanket tight to her wound trying to stop the bleeding and with my free hand I pulled out my phone from my pocket. I was going to try a good ol' google for how to treat a canine gunshot wound but, the business card Lia had given me slipped out as well and I instinctively felt the urge to call the number. My instinct had to be right, I could trust Lia would protect this wolf. I needed a professional for this.

** Author's Note: It's a short chapter, but a few longer ones are on their way! 

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Oh, and please leave a comment answering this question: If you were somehow in this situation, who would you listen to? Hero Brain (HB) or Anxiety Brain (AB)? **

The Wolf Within (Book 1 of Wolf Within Series)Where stories live. Discover now