The Hunters' House

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** Lia's POV **

As we walked down the path, hand in hand, I couldn't stop my heart from fluttering. I never thought I'd have someone so beautiful next to me to share all of this with. I had been so sure the Moon Goddess had forgotten about me, but thankfully, I had been wrong. As the clearing around the path turned to forest, I caught a glimpse of Dakota's face.

She was looking up into the trees and her eyes closed as she took in a deep breath through her nose. "It smells so good out here." She said as she turned to me, smiling. "I've always loved the smell of the forest in summer." Her eyes fell to the earth before her as she continued, "You actually smell a lot like it." Her cheeks burned red again.

Her blush is so cute! I thought to myself as a playful smile crept into place. "Do I?" I had never really had the opportunity of smelling myself aside from after extensive training. Which, in all honesty, no one wants to smell.

"Yes," Dakota's voice softened as she continued, "it's a mix of the forest on a day like today, and... I think Sage."

"Huh." I replied, "I didn't know that." I shrugged, "but... you like it?" I asked, my eyes wandered up to the trees as I waited for her reply. Seriously, I shouldn't be this nervous.

"I do." She said, "What cologne is it? I'd love to get a bottle." I looked back to see her inquisitive expression as we kept walking.

"Um, no cologne." I replied, "It's just me." I said with another smile and shrug. "Every wolf has their own unique scent, just like most things do." I looked back down the path as I spoke, the next clearing was another forty feet away.

"Really?" Her voice filled with surprise. "I just thought that, well, since it was such a strong smell..." she trailed off and I looked back to see if everything was alright. Her eyes were staring at the ground in front of her, she must be lost in thought.

"Maybe you're getting in touch with your wolf more. After all, your senses should heighten the more you and your wolf bond." I stated.

"What do you mean?" Her gaze met mine for a brief moment before going back to taking in the beauty of the nature around her.

"Well, wolves have a great sense of smell and pretty decent night vision. They also have far better hearing than humans do. So those senses should be much stronger in you than your average human." I paused, "You know, I could smell you all the way from the Main Pack House the other night, thanks to the wind at least." I let my eyes wander around the forest as we spoke.

"Really?" She said, her voice filled with embarrassment. I immediately stopped walking and tried to calm her down.

"No! NO! In a good way!" I assured her, "You smell so comforting." I sighed, mostly so I could have an excuse to deeply inhale her scent again. "Want to know what you smell like?" I asked as I exhaled.

"Of course! I want to make sure I don't smell gross!" She said, her face filled with an expression which read 'Duh'.

I couldn't help but laugh at that expression, and it took a moment before I caught my breath enough to continue. "Well, you smell wonderful." I started as my smile softened. "Your scent is like... well, it's like rain, but before it's fallen from the sky. It also smells like autumn, specifically all of the freshly fallen leaves." I beamed at her as I jokingly sniffed the air around her. "I swear I can't get enough." I said as we approached the next clearing.

Her eyes grew as she took in the large building sitting toward the left edge of the clearing. "That is the Hunters' House." I stated as we made our approach.

** Dakota's POV **

"I see," was all I could say at first as we made our way up to another building, one which was just a little smaller than the Main Pack House. "Why do you call it the Hunters' House?" I asked.

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