The Smile and The Cat

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** Dakota's POV **

After hanging up the phone I gathered my dishes and put them in the sink. I'll get those washed once I've finished getting ready. I thought to myself as I made my way to the bathroom.

I turned the shower on and, as the water warmed up, I went back into the bedroom to pick out my outfit for today. I hadn't really planned on meeting with Rangers when I packed for the trip, so I pulled out the nicest pair of jeans I had along with a white shirt and an aqua flannel shirt. I set them on the bed and went back into the bathroom to shower.

As I showered, I pondered further why Rangers would want to come out and investigate the scene of a sighting. It wasn't like there was a fresh kill near it, or anything. No property was damaged and no one was hurt. There were literally only pawprints, not even a scrap of fur. Either way, I was willing to do whatever they needed and it was nice to know they were so thorough in their job.

Once finished, I got dressed, brushed my teeth and went back downstairs to start the dishes. As I finished them up, Silvy hopped on the counter next to me and began drinking the water from the faucet. I dried my hands and gave her a little tickle between the ears as she drank. A knock on the door interrupted me.

I reached for the door and opened it. A tall, athletic woman was standing there with straight, shoulder length, bright red hair and green eyes. "Hello, I'm Ranger Alexa and this is my partner Accalia." She said as she pointed to the woman standing next to her.

She was stunning. No, gorgeous. No, sexy. No, wait, no definitely, perfect. Her hair was short and a very dark, almost black with natural highlights of deep red showing. It was styled as a men's quiff haircut, with tight sides and a longer top. Her eyebrows were perfectly sculpted and her eyes were such a deep and yet, golden brown. Those eyes reminded me of the Grand Canyon: I had gone camping there once with my family and as we all sat around the fire at the bottom of the canyon, I looked up and watched the way the light it the canyon walls against the dark night sky. Her eyes captured that very look. I was lost in them.

"May we come in, Miss...?" Ranger Alexa asked politely, not knowing my name. I reluctantly tore my eyes away from Ranger Accalia and moved backward into the cabin. My heart was beating so fast I could barely focus on what Ranger Alexa had asked.

"Dakota," I blurted out, "Dakota Hartwood and of course, please come in." I said, shaking my head off. "Come in." I made a small motion with my hand inviting them. As they entered Ranger Alexa looked around briefly as Ranger Accalia only watched me and smiled.

Oh my god, why are my legs jelly? I thought. Her smile was so beautiful; her teeth were perfect and the way she smiled seemed so genuine, but at the same time it held an air of mischievousness. She's so perfect. I would love to kiss those lips. Oh shit, am I drooling?

I quickly closed my mouth and glanced away, realizing that I was moments away from drooling all down my chin. Oh my god, that is so embarrassing!

"Did you know you have a cat in your house?" Ranger Alexa asked, as she looked down at Silvy. Her face made no attempt at hiding her confusion.

"Um, yeah, that's my cat. Silvy. You can hold her if you like. She's very friendly." I said as I made my way over to her and picked her up. "Do you like cats?" I asked the Ranger as I held Silvy out to her.

"Honestly, I can't say I've ever seen one in person." Ranger Alexa replied. "My family has always been... a dog family." She laughed and looked at Ranger Accalia, who just smiled in reply, eyes still burning into me. Making me melt. I need to sit down before I fall. "Why don't we have a seat in the kitchen?"

Silvy sniffed the air in Ranger Alexa's direction and instead jumped to the couch. Her eyes immediately going back to the Ranger she fascinated. I returned to the kitchen table and took a seat.

"Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about the incident?" Ranger Accalia inquired. Her voice was low and rich, it reminded me, somehow, of freshly brewed coffee as its almost finished being poured. It filled me with the same vitality, excitement and hope. It was such an intoxicating sound. I would trade coffee in a heart beat if It meant I could listen to that voice all day.

"Of course, I'd love to hear—" I paused. I probably shouldn't finish that sentence with 'your voice'. She would think I'm crazy. Instead I finished with, "your questions." I motioned for the Ranger to take the seat across from me.

She gave me another stunning smile as she sat down. "Do you play fetch?" I heard Ranger Alexa ask in the background. I peered around Ranger Accalia to see what was going on over by the couch. Ranger Alexa had found Silvy's toy mouse and was just holding it still in front of her nose, trying to get my cat's attention. Wow, she has really never played with a cat before. As I thought that, Ranger Alexa tossed the mouse across the floor and Silvy just looked at it at and then back at the Ranger.

I tried not to laugh but a small giggle escaped, as it did my eyes fell onto Ranger Accalia's and her gorgeous smile only grew bigger.

I could feel my cheeks burn which only made things worse as I realized my ears were also turning red. Curse my fair skin. As I looked away, trying to hide from her intense gaze, I saw Ranger Alexa lean down toward Silvy and whisper "Are you like an Alpha cat?" as she tried to pet her. I looked at her, very puzzled.

Ranger Accalia then cleared her throat and asked, "Would you mind showing me the scene of the sighting?"

"Of course," I replied, eager to go anywhere with her. I'd love to be alone with her. I glanced to Ranger Alexa and saw she was now on her hands and knees, in front of the couch, just staring at Silvy as if she were trying to figure her out. "Would you mind watching Silvy while I show Ranger Accalia?" I asked her. I certainly thought Ranger Alexa's fascination with Silvy was... different, but I would happily make it up to Silvy later if it meant getting a moment alone with Ranger Accalia.

The Ranger's head quickly turned in my direction, "I would love to." With that, she turned right back around and stared at Silvy, who truly didn't seem to mind the weird woman's behavior.

Ranger Accalia opened the cabin door and stepped to the side, allowing me to leave first. Normally, I'm not fond of that because I like to watch my back around strangers, but with her it was... endearing. As I passed her, I got a strong whiff of a summer forest and...was that sandalwood or sage?

I was so distracted by the scent that I forgot about the small step outside of the cabin and tripped.

I braced myself for impact but the only impact I felt were two strong arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me close to an equally strong body. The sweet smell filled my nose and my body melted into those perfect arms.

"Careful," The Ranger whispered in my ear. This was too much for my little gay heart. Terribly embarrassed and surely turning red, I tried to quickly get my feet back under me and she cautiously let go. Her arms still hovered around me just in case. God she is perfect. "Are you alright?" She asked.

"Never better," I responded with a sheepish smile, and a bolder part of me muttered under my breath "literally falling for her, huh?" which I realized I said out loud when Ranger Accalia asked "what was that, I didn't hear it?"

"Nothing!" I replied quickly.

I stood up and began walking toward the area where prairie meets forest. Ranger Accalia followed close behind. 

**Author's Note: I can't believe Alexa (a.k.a. Beta Al) has never seen a cat IRL before! Wow... doing new things every day!
If you've liked what you've read so far please follow this story and head on over to the next part to see what happens! 
Oh, and please leave a comment answering this question: If you have a pet, what kind is it? If not, what kind would you have? **

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