Just A Kiss

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**Dakota's POV**

"Now before you get all excited Lia," I cautioned despite the smile playing at the corners of my mouth. "I'm not giving you my answer just yet." Her smile faded but a still hopeful and inquisitive look took its place "I still need time to think, and you," I paused for a small amount of dramatic effect, "well you couldn't possibly imagine what a difficult decision this is for me." My words were in clear opposition to the smile teasing at my lips so, after only a brief pause, I added "I mean, on one hand there's my boring job and my annoying boss, my lame weekends during which I am normally searching for a soulmate in tired bars and clubs, and the normalcy of a small studio apartment on a crowded noisy street. How could I possibly give up all of that to be a badass werewolf, with a gorgeous mate who happens to be an Alpha, and live happily ever after in a freaking mansion in the woods?" I put my head in my hands mockingly and said "How will I ever choose?" I pretended my hands were scales as I said, "Normal life..." raising my left hand and lowering my right or "weird nudist cult in the woods" I said raising my right hand while lowering my left. I smiled playfully as I pretended to balance the scales indecisively.

Lia's eyes were smoldering now as she knew I was carefully teasing her with my decision to stay. With such a realization came, apparently, the understanding of just how close she really was to keeping me. Her eyes couldn't conceal her predatory nature as she inched closer to me on her chair. "If there's anything I can do to make the decision easier for you" she began, her voice dripping like honey from her lips. A slight shiver of excitement ran through me and I felt like I was melting under the power of her gaze. The tension in the air was tangible, and so was the heat building up in the space between us. "You just let me know. Maybe I can give you a taste of what life with me would be like?" she said oh so seductively.

UB: OH HO! Merry Kwanza to US! WB!! 10 out of 10 for that flirtatious teasing!

WB: It's all about the chase for a werewolf.

HB: Ok.... Great. One problem though.

WB: What's that?

HB: She's basically turned our blood to lava with a freaking look! If we take this any further before we really decide if we are staying it will either end with either a full-on meltdown, like a snowman in July, or inconsolable depression. Either way I see a puddle in our future. We have to turn this down until we give her our decision.

WB: Decision has already been made.

HB: What do you mean? It has not. We haven't held counsel on this!

WB: Look at us, this kind of heat wave and implosion doesn't happen for just anyone. Plus, I'm here, literally telling you LIA IS THE ONE.

HB: ... I still think we need to hold a meeting.

WB: Fine. Let's hold one then.

HB: We can't right now!

WB: Why not?


UB: Cool it guys, I'll take care of this.

"Oh Really?" I replied with as cool of a response as I could muster but my cheeks and ears were hotter than ever. I tried to look back at Lia but her eyes were smoldering with an intensity so powerful it felt like I would melt if I didn't look away. "But, I'm, um," I began to stammer, "You are just," I couldn't get the right words into my brain, let alone form a sentence!

AB: OH MY! We are going to die!!! HB!! Save us!

UB: HB, something has gone wrong! The words are all messed up! What are we going to do!

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