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** Dakota's POV **

I was still thinking about her hours later, as I cozied up in a blanket swinging contentedly the porch swing with my glass of wine in hand. "I mean, who builds a cardboard fort in someone else's home when they meet a cat in person for the first time?" I found myself saying aloud.

Just then, Silvy hopped up on my lap and nuzzled my hand with a soft purr, as if she was trying to tell me how much she enjoyed the little play date.

"Honestly," I said to Silvy, "I'm just trying to pretend I wasn't actually thinking about Lia for the 20th time today." I sighed, as her smile popped in my head again.

HB: Rest and relaxation are what we need, not a new crush. AB are you the one obsessing over her and messing with our R&R schedule?

AB: Absolutely not, crushing is the last thing I would encourage us to do. Everyone is a serial killer until proven otherwise. Anyway, I'm 100% preoccupied with bug watch. IS THAT A SPIDER??

UB (whispering in the corner): That smile! Those perfect teeth and soft lips!

HB: UB! What did you say?

UB: Oh, nothing. Just mumbling to myself. (Whispering again,) let's go call her. We really should. She gave us her DIRECT number!

It was getting late but I was so content in the cool night air. I watched lazily as a couple of fireflies danced in the tall prairie grass. I closed my eyes for a brief moment to take in the gentle song of the crickets. I couldn't deny how badly I had needed this: complete relaxation.

UB: Yes, the three R's. Rest, Relaxation and ROMANCE!

HB: IT'S YOU! Would you quit it? We have to bring our stress levels back down before we go back to work!

UB: Okay, okay!

A night of peace and quiet is just what the doctor ordered. I reached down to pet Silvy. As I did, I felt her ears perk up. I looked down at her and saw her eyes widen as she stared off into the direction of the forest. Her tail began to twitch. I tried to follow her gaze but only saw those two fireflies floating gently above the grass. The moon was hidden behind the clouds tonight, and it was hard to see without its light. I assumed she had spotted some bug to hunt and let myself relax again, despite her twitching tail.

I closed my eyes and took a nice deep breath. Trying to ground myself in this peaceful moment with some gentle breathing exercises; I focused on the smell of the night air. My nose filled with the woodsy scent of the forest and just a hint of... was that sage?

At that same moment, Silvy leapt off my lap so quickly she nearly knocked the wine glass out of my hand, and bolted inside. I glanced out, again, to where she had been staring and then did a quick double take.

HB: Huh, where did those two fireflies go?

AB: Those were NOT fireflies. That was a pair of eyes staring at us from the grass!

HB: Haha, very funny. The anxiety brain is playing a trick on us. I don't see anything there now.

AB: Okay, time for bed! Let's go. Hurry up! Why aren't you moving?!

Before I could do anything else, I heard a snap in the opposite direction. I spun around just as a human like shadow ducked into the grass about 50 yards away from the cabin. I stood up, sharply bumping the side table as I did so, which sent the wine glass crashing to the porch floor. The shattering of the glass sounded louder in my ears as adrenaline heightened my senses.

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