Chapter 3

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Anakin arrived to the spot Kix and Ahsoka were as quick as he could, but when he noticed that Kix was alone he panicked.

"Where's Ahsoka?" He asked the clone.

"Don't worry general she's fine!" Kix replied as he pointed to the top of one of the trees where little Ahsoka was sitting on top of looking at the stars.

"How'd she get up there?" Rex questioned removing his helmet and holding it at his side.

"Don't know I was hoping that you guys would be able to answer that." Kix said shaking his head.

"How long has she been up there?" Anakin questioned looking at the girl in the trees.
"Bout an hour she didn't want to come down." Kix shrugged.

Anakin sighed, he really didn't want this kid to be alone especially after what happened to her parents.
"You guys keep watch down here, I'm going to go see how she's doing." Anakin said before using the force to jump a couple of times before he reached the branch Ahsoka was on.

"Hey little one." Anakin said startling Ahsoka out of her daze.

"Oh hi!" She said shaking off the nerves and giving him a cheeky grin.

"Whatcha doing up here?" He said placing an arm around her shoulder.

"Looking at the stars." She said in awe.
"They are beautiful aren't they?" Anakin said looking up to the sky along with her.

"Yeah they are." She replied in a more quiet tone.
"You scared?" He said turning his gaze towards her.

"No!" She said pudding out her chest.
"I'm not scared." She said crossing her arms over her chest trying to make herself look tough.

Anakin smiled and knowing that she wouldn't admit it he decided to change the subject.

"How old are you Ahsoka?" He asked the starry eyed girl.

"I'm 7!" She said holding up her fingers to show how many years.

He smiled. But a part of his mind silently mourned for the child, to be ripped from your parents at such a young age.
"You got any siblings?"

She shook her head in reply.

"Kix told me that you said you were being chased by a shadow. What's that?" Anakin asked knowing that if there was information they needed to know about this enemy that it was best to get it anywhere they could.

Her face paled as she looked at Anakin with terrified eyes.
"Bogan users." She whispered.

Anakin had heard of Bogan as he had heard of Ashla. In the temple they were told that on some planets the light side of the force was referred to as Ashla and the dark Bogan.

"And these Bogan users were after you and your family. Why?"

She didn't reply just shrugged before going to the edge of the tree and jumping.

Anakin reached out in instinct as the girl jumped down a tree that was about maybe 20 feet tall. But as he jumped down to catch her he saw something interesting.
She was slowing her fall.
And landed uninjured in the forest floor without making a sound.

Anakin landed next to her and gaped at her. The clones were in just as must shock as Anakin.

Ahsoka merely shrugged and when to go and sit down. The clones walked over to join her.
"Kix!" She called patting the ground next to her.

The clones stared at her with awe they all had their helmets removed and looked the same. How did she know who was Kix after such a short time with them?

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