Chapter 14

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5 years ago

Kix tried his best to walk into the temple without looking suspicious. It was rare that the clones ever got to go to the temple and if they did it was usually for a mission.

Stopping at General Skywalker and Ahsoka's shared quarters he hesitated before knocking on the door.

He was greeted by the sad face of little Ahsoka whose expression changed quickly as she saw who it was.

"Kix!" She exclaimed as she ran into his arms.

"Kix?" He heard Anakin say as he appeared in the doorway.
"Hey General, the boys and I were wondering if we could borrow Ahsoka for a day?" Kix asked and Ahsoka's face lit up.
"Please??" Ahsoka begged Anakin as she gave him the puppy eyes.

Anakin sighed.

"Sure I don't see the harm in it," he said and Ahsoka and Kix turned to Exit the hall. "But stay out of trouble, you hear? Kix watch over her or it's your head!" He called out after him.

Kix turned around but keep walking
"Sir, yes sir!" He called out giving him a sloppy salute.

"So what are we going to do?" Ahsoka asked as they finally came out from earshot of Anakin.
Kix said nothing but smiled. grabbed her hand and led her towards the twilight.

Once inside she was greeted by the faces of Echo and Fives as well.
"What's going on?" Ahsoka giggled in excitement.
"We, are going for a little trip." Fives responded sitting down in the pilots seat and starting up the ship.

"Where?" Ahsoka asked, her eyes full of wonder.
"Oh we thought you would like to take a little trip home." Echo said to her placing an arm around her shoulders.
Her face lit up.
"Really?! We are going to SHILI!?! But what about Anakin?" Ahsoka asked all at the same time.
Kix laughed.
"Don't worry Rex is covering for us." He said reassuringly.

"Thank you guys. This really means a lot." Ahsoka said a bit more softly.

Time skip (call me lazy all you want😂)

"Are we there yet?!" Ahsoka asked for the hundredth time on the trip.
"Yes, yes we are." Fives replies with a smile.

Ahsoka beamed as the ship landed and ran outside.

The clones followed after her as she ran out of the ship.
"Home." She said softly to herself.

Ahsoka gazed longingly at the tall grasses, and then sent Kix a look of approval.

Kix laughed.
"Yes you can go," he said to her and she ran into the tall grass. "Just not too far!" He called after her.

Fives laughed.
"You were right Skywalker is definitely going to kill us for this." Fives said laughing as he started to run after Ahsoka.

"Yeha," Kix said to himself, "but I would do it again in a heartbeat."

Present time

Ahsoka held her head up high as she heard the doors to her cell finally open.
It was the morning of her execution.

"Tano!" Tarkin called out as he entered her cell. "I hope you enjoyed your last night." He said with a cruel smile that made Ahsoka shiver.

"Who's in charge of my execution Tarkin? It's the least you could tell me." Ahsoka asked him as she knelt down and let the guards bind her and lead her out of the cell.
"But that would just spoil everything then wouldn't it?" Tarkin replied with a sardonic tone.

Ahsoka tried to breath deeply to calm herself, but it didn't work. She was literally about to die.

Turning another corner in the prison they stopped at a door and opened it revealing a large blank room.
But that wasn't nearly the worst part.

Inside held 501st soldiers.
Her family.

"You sick son of a bitch." She growled at Tarkin who just chuckled.
The guards pushed Ahsoka down in front of the line of soldiers.
"Attention!" She heard Rex order his men. He didn't even sound plagued about what was about to happen.

Looking up at the men she was able to make out some of there helmet markings.

Of course they had to choose the men who were closest to her, she thought to herself.

"Aim!" She heard Rex bark and she shut her eyes and bit her lip to hold down a sob.

She wasn't ready to die,
She was scared to die.

"On my Mark!"

She prayed to the force that she would be one with the force and that they would try to find a way to remember her as innocent.


She breathed in.


Then everything went black,

But the funny thing was,

She didn't see a bright light.


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