Chapter 5

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Ahsoka and the clones had made their way to the resolute without any issues.

Ahsoka looked around her there were so many clones.

She ended up getting a little overwhelmed and hid behind Kix.

"It's ok Little'un your safe." Kix said calmly pointing to the clones, "they wont hurt you I promise."
Ahsoka nodded her head and poked her head out from behind Kix to look at all of the men around her.

"How old is she?" One of the clones asked Rex.
"I'm seven!" She announced holding up fingers to show how many.
"Hey Ahsoka can I ask you a question?" Rex said pulling Ahsoka aside.
Ahsoka gave a bright and cheery nod in reply before walking away from the group of men and over to Rex.

"Little'un I need you to tell me why the shadow is after you." Rex said crouching down so that he was eye level with her.

Ahsoka shook her head no.
"My parents told me never to tell. That it was our little secret." She said in a whisper.

"Ahsoka you need to understand that we can't help you unless you tell us what's going on." Rex said tilting her chin upwards.

Ahsoka was about to open her mouth when Anakin rushed into the hanger carrying obi wan on his shoulders.

"Kix! Prep the medbay!" He shouted as he ran down the hall.
Ahsoka moved to follow him, but Rex stopped her.

"Little'un you don't want to see that." He said putting a hand in front of her.
Giving him a cheeky grin she crawled away from him and ran after Anakin.

"Akul?" Kix asked cutting away at Obi wan's tunic and looking at the wounds.
"Yeha. Will he be ok?" Anakin asked as obi wan held in grunts of pain as Kix tried his best to clean the wounds.
"If we can get him back to Corasaunt in time." Kix said looking up at Anakin.

"Anakin!" A little voice squealed as Ahsoka ran into the room and into the arms of Anakin.
"Heya Ahsoka." Anakin said in a sad tone.
"Is he ok?" She said pointing to Obi wan who chuckled in reply.

"I'm fine little one-" obi wan said before he started to cough repeatedly, before passing out.
"What's wrong!" Anakin stressed to Kix as he put Ahsoka aside to hold his master down.
"It punctured one of his lungs sir, it's filling up with fluid." Kix said hanging his head.
"So what can we do?" Anakin said taking his masters hand.
"I can't help him here sir we will have to wait."
"He doesn't have that much time!" Anakin yelled at him.

"I can help." The small voice of Ahsoka said quietly.

Anakin watched as Ahsoka walked up to Obi Wan and put her hands on him.

"What is she-"
"Quiet!" Anakin said cutting Rex off.

Ahsoka then moved to the front of the bed where Obi wan's head was and put her forehead on his.
"I am one with the force, and the force is with me." She chanted closing her eyes and breathing deeply.
"I am one with the force and the force is with me." Ahsoka said again but this time Obi wan in his unconscious state said it along with her.

"Sir." Kix said pointing to the wound on Obi wan's stomach.
It was closing.

"I am one with the force and the force is with me." They continued to chant.

Then Ahsoka backed away and looking at Anakin she smiled.

Obi wan sat up with a jump and looked around.

Anakin Rex and Kix gaped at the little girl.
"How did you just?" Rex stuttered pointing to the wound that was now gone.

Ahsoka just smiled and walked over to Obi wan and out her hand over his.
"May the light of Ashla heal you." She said to Obi wan with a soft smile in Togruti.

Anakin and Obi wan knew a bit of the language but not enough to know what she had said.
So instead they just stared at the little girl in astonishment.

"Hey soka why don't you come with me really quickly I want to check something out." Anakin said extending his hand to Ahsoka.
She gladly excepted it and skipped out of the medical room along side him.
He brought her to a room with a cart that looked like a medical kit.

"What's that?" She asked pointing to the cart.
"We are going to take a test Ahsoka and if it comes out the way I think it will. I will probably get to keep you." Anakin said before reaching into the kit and pulling out what looked like a finger pricker.

Ahsoka whimpered at the needle but closed her eyes and nodded as she reached out her arm to Anakin.

Anakin took one of her finger and pricked it in return Ahsoka looked down at her now bleeding finger. Anakin grabbed a little tube and collected the blood from her finger into it. Then taking a small bandage he wrapped it around her finger and lifted her up into his arms.

"There we go all done!" He said holding the little girl in one arm and the blood in another.

"Can I go see Rex now?" She asked in an excited tone.

Anakin chuckled before setting the little girl down.
"Yes you may but stay with them ok?" He called off to her as she darted off.

Anakin looked at the vile of blood and then in the direction Ahsoka had run to, and smiled.

I'm so glad this story is actually doing well I might let this story be about 20 chapters and then I plan on making a sequel.

Let me know what you think!!!

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