Chapter 4

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"So let me get this straight you took in a young child named Ahsoka who is being hunted down by Ventress for some reason? Where are her parents? Does she even have parents?" Obi wan asked making sure the story he was just told was correct.
"Yes, she had parents but I'm pretty sure they are gone now." Anakin said panting. Running through the woods had really tired them out.

"Why does Dooku need her?" Obi wan said raising an eyebrow.
"They are sith do they really need a reason?"
"Good point."


The clones had been staring at Ahsoka for at least an hour. She had fallen asleep in Rex's lap in a ball and they couldn't help but stare at the adorable sight before them.
Rex looked down to stare at the small bundle of Ahsoka in his arms. She snored softly as Rex softly rubbed her back leeku.

"I wanna keep her!" Fives whined in a whisper nudging at Kix.
"I don't think she is leaving anytime soon." Rex whispered with a chuckle.

"Mmn." Ahsoka said in her sleep turning in her sleep closer to Rex.

"I honestly don't know how she finds that plastoid armor comfortable!" Kix said with a chuckle.
"Honestly how do we find it comfortable?" Jesse replied changing his position on the ground to a more comfortable one.

Ahsoka eyelids started to flutter. Soon she started to wake up.

"Where's Rex?" She said rubbing her eyes.
"Right here." He said from over her.

"Rex snuggled you until you fell asleep Little'un." Fives said in a teasing voice.

Ahsoka giggled in turn and sat up from her laying down position in Rex's lap so that she was now sitting in his lap.

"Where's Anakin?" She asked Kix her blue eyes fill with innocence.
"I don't know Little'un he might have gone another way to throw Ventress off our tail." Kix replied with a sigh.

Ahsoka then stood up and stretched herself out. Then once she had stretched herself out she looked to the clones before leaping towards one of the closest trees. And climbing to the top of it she sat and looked at the sky.

"Why does she do that?" Jesse asked standing up and looking at the little girl in the tree.
"Dunno something with children and trees?" Kix replied scratching his head.
"You wanna go climb the tree?" Fives asked in a mocking tone of a child.

"Guys what we need to do is get back to the resolute before the Assassin finds us!" Rex commented harshly.
"Well then CAPTAIN what do you suggest?" Fives said walking over to him and giving him a light punch in the shoulder.
"We pack up and move back from the direction we came from?" Jesse asked grabbing his helmet from the ground.
"No because then the assassin would find us dummy!" Kix said smacking him lightly on the head.
"Oh." Was Jesse's reply.
"I say we try to contact the general and meet up with him." Kix then said which earned him a nod from Rex.

"General Skywalker are you there?" Rex called into his comm keeping his arm up to his mouth.
"Hey *pants* Rex nice to hear your voice!" Anakin replied.
"What would you like us to do sir?" Rex asked keeping his voice in a emotionless tone.
"I've already called for an evac with the resolute about three clicks from your position."
"What about you sir?"
"I'll make sure he get there Captain." Obi wan replied through Anakin's comm.
Rex nodded then turned off his comm.

"Hey Fives get Ahsoka will ya?" Rex called out going ahead of the group.

Fives then stood up and walked over to the tree Ahsoka had climbed up.
"Hey Little'un come on down we've got to get moving!" He called out to the girl.
Fives yelped when he saw Ahsoka jump out of the tall tree and land on her feet.
"Let's go!" She called out to fives while running to catch up with the men.
Fives chuckled and walked towards the group.

"Where are we going?" Ahsoka asked stepping over a tree root so that she wouldn't trip.
"We-" Kix said picking Ahsoka up and throwing her up so that she sat on his shoulders. "Are going back to a ship that will get us away from the shadow."
Ahsoka giggled when Kix picked her up and lightly traced the shaved parts of his hair with her fingers as he talked.
"It'll be fun!" Fives said running to finally catch up with the group.
"What's gonna happen to me?" Ahsoka asked her voice getting a little quiet.
"I don't know kid, I don't know." Rex calmly said placing a hand on her back.


Anakin and Obi wan had walked through the night looking for the group and they had been panicking until they heard from Rex and planned the Evac.

"Stop worrying Anakin." Obi wan said with a sigh. Having Anakin constantly project worried emotions was getting to be tiring for him.
"Sorry master."

Suddenly they heard a low growl.

"What's that?" Anakin asked in a whisper stopping in his tracks and grabbing his lightsaber.
"I have a few guesses." Obi wan said grabbing his as well.

Then from behind them a huge cat-like creature with long sharp fangs and a whip like tail jumped out from behind them.

"What the hel-" Anakin yelled before getting hit by a claw from the creature and throw against a tree.
"It's an Akul!" Obi wan yelled over to Anakin who recovered himself and stood up igniting his saber.

The Akul swung its tail from behind and swiped at the Jedi's feet. Then with a snarl it charged at Obi wan.

Obi wan yelled in pain as the Akul jumped on him and held him down with its large claws stabbing him in the stomach and thigh.

Anakin jumped on top of the Akul and swung his lightsaber at the creatures head. The Akul in turn batted him away with its whip like tail.

Obi wan still being pinned against the ground took all of the strength he had to reach for his lightsaber with the force. Then activating it he made a stab in the creatures chest.

With a loud whine the Akul slowly backed away into the dense forest. And disappeared into the darkness.

"Master!" Anakin said jumping up and running over to Obi wan.
"Anakin I need to get back to the ship." Obi wan said his voice a little hoarse.

Anakin nodded and careful picked up Obi wan and let him hang over his shoulder.

"Your heavier than you look master!" Anakin grunted as he started to walk.
"Well I never asked you to carry me." Obi wan replied with a chuckle that was followed by a string of coughs.

Ight guys get ready for something big! And I mean BIG next chapter

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