Chapter 19

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Ahsoka had decided it would be best if she slept for the night before going into town.

But once the sun rose she rose as well.

"Already going?" Kix asked from behind her as she was making her way towards the door and Ahsoka cursed inwardly.

"Your going to need a weapon Little'un." Kix pointed out with a chuckle.

"Weapon! Oh yeah right!" Ahsoka laughed awkwardly grabbed for the blaster Rex had given her.

"Hey I know I can't really help you out with this whole Jedi thing but if you need to talk, do it don't keep it bottled inside.

Ahsoka nodded. She needed to get out of the house.

"Be safe!" Kix called out after her as she walked out the door and shut it.

Ahsoka let out a sigh of relief when she saw a speeder parked in front of the house. She wasn't going to have to walk all the way into town.

Jumping onto the speeder she fired it up and set out towards Mos Eisley. That was where she would probably be able to find some work.

Once she had arrived in the town she thought it would be best to head to the Cantina.

"Like Anakin always said." Ahsoka told herself. "If you wanna find a lowlife, you start at the saloon."

She chuckled to herself as she remembered all the times they had gone into Cantinas in search of criminals and the chaos that always followed.

"Aren't you a little too young to be in here young lady?" A voice said behind her.

Ahsoka smiled. This was the perfect way to get some attention drawn to her.

Grabbing the man behind her by the neck she pushed him against the wall and choked him.

"Call me that one more time, and the only thing that will be left of you, is ash." She hissed at him.

The Cantina's band stopped playing as the crowd of people shushed themselves in order to hear what was going on.

"Do you understand me?" She whispered to him in a venomous tone.

A part of her hated acting out of anger like this. But a much stronger part of her told her this was good, this was getting the job done.

The man stuttered but not words came out.

"Your a big boy, use your words." She sneered as she tightened the grip on his neck.

"I understand." He sputtered.

Ahsoka released him and he gasped for breath.

"Anyone else want to tell me I'm too young!!?" She announced to the crowd of people.

No one responded.

"That's what I thought." She chuckled to herself.

Stepping away from the man she made her way towards the bar and sat down.

"That was quite an entrance." Another voice said behind her.

She shrugged.

"He deserved it." She plainly said.

"I'm Boba, Boba Fett." He said to her as he stretched out his hand in greeting.

Ahsoka inwardly panicked.
How did he not recognize her?
Well she had grown quite a bit. But still?

"I'm Ah- Ashla." She responded coolly shaking his hand.

He had grown as well. Or from what she could tell as he was in a full suit of armor.

"Ashla? Last name?" He asked as he sat down next to her.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't think you wanted to know my whole backstory. It's just Ashla." She replied sarcastically.

"Sorry." He responded quietly.
"Well what are you doing on Tatooine?"

Ahsoka knew she needed to get him to have some common ground with her if she wanted him to point her in the direction of a job.

"Trying to find some work while I lay low. Ran into some trouble with the high and mighty Jedi on Corasaunt." She said in a hateful tone. It wasn't all a lie.

"Jedi huh! I've had my run ins with them before too." Boba chuckled.
"What did you do?" He asked.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." She responded as she clenched her fists in frustration.

"Interesting. You said you were looking for a job?" Boba asked her.

"Yeah?" She asked in an annoyed voice.

"Well I might be able to get one for you."

Ahsoka smiled.

Meanwhile on Corusant:

Anakin was pissed.

People thought that Ahsoka was dead. And still they did nothing about it!

Anakin wanted to give Padme peace of mind by telling her that Ahsoka was alive. But he knew he couldn't risk it. Not even for his wife.

The council had left him be since he had gotten back.

He had gotten Rex and the boys off the hook by saying they were on a medical leave for a week.

A week.

That's all he has to find the person that really did this.

Sorry for the long wait

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