Chapter 15

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1 hour before Ahsoka's execution

Rex knew deep down that Ahsoka was innocent. After going to see her before her trial he was positive that the council and senate would see her as innocent.

But they didn't.

How would they think a person who is only 15, could be capable of bombing the temple?!

He was mad at the Council, and he was pissed at the Senate.
And he sure as HELL was not about to let her be executed for a crime she didn't commit.


Rex had discussed the situation with the clones that were closest to Ahsoka, and they along with him agreed that Ahsoka was not about to die for something she sure as hell didn't do.

"We can't let her die!" Jesse yelled at Echo.
"We don't even know if she bombed the temple or not?" Echo yelled and Fives glared at him.
"Just the facts!" Echo tried to point out but ended up getting punched in the gut by fives.

"She's innocent and we know it! Now are we just going to let her die or are we going to something about it!" He yelled to Rex.
"I have a plan," Rex stated to the clones who in turn turned to face him with a nod.
"But you might not like it."


Rex stormed into the prison with a angry face and the squad of troopers he trusted most.

"Admiral Tarkin! A word if I may." Rex called out to the slender man who in turn faced him with a nod.
"I suppose this has something to do with the criminal Tano?" Tarkin asked with an annoyed sigh.
"Yes sir. She betrayed not only the republic, she betrayed our trust. We heard her execution is this morning?" Rex asked making sure to keep his face serious and angry.
"Yes we were just about to take the criminal to her execution. Why? Not trying to plead for her innocence?" Tarkin asked with a sardonic smile.
"No sir. We want to make sure the traitor faces justice." He gave the clones behind him a glance. "We wish to be the ones who serve it to her."

And Tarkin smiled before nodding and leading him down the hall.

Present time

"3!" Rex called out and he saw a tear slip from her eye.
He took a deep breath in.
He fired.

Ahsoka's body slumped to the floor with a flop. The blaster shot left no mark, but she appeared dead.

"Good job captain," Tarkin praised as he walked around Ahsoka's body. "Commander Fox! Send a detachment to dispose of the body!"

Rex growled under his breath.
Dispose? Oh he was going to make Tarkin pay for that one.

"We can handle it- Sir!" Fives cut in before Fox could call. And Tarkin raised a skeptical eyebrow at the clone.

"Very well," Tarkin rolling his Rs. "Have her brought down to the Morgue, I'm sure they will enjoy dissecting her." He said with a cruel laugh as he walked up to Ahsoka and brushed her now cold cheek.

"Yes sir." Rex forced out. It was taking every inch of self-restraint to not kill the man right now, but nevertheless he called over a stretcher and placed Ahsoka's freezing cold body on it and carried out the door.

"We need to find somewhere we can escape in!" Rex whispered harshly.
"Wait you hadn't thought of this part already?!" Hardcase yelled in a whisper.
"Well to his defense it was kind of a Skywalker plan, and you never know if those will work out or not." Fives defended.

Hardcase rolled his eyes.

"Look!" Kix whispered pointing towards a ship.

"The Twilight?" Rex asked, "what's it doing here-" He then stopped talking.

"General Skywalker, shit!" Rex whispered.

Just then the dead looking Ahsoka from a second ago started to gain color, almost as if she was defrosting.

"We need to get on that ship before she wakes up!" Kix called out still in a whisper as he checked her pulse.
Rex gave a nod.

Fives quickly grabbed a towel, of sorts, and draped it over Ahsoka's body. Rex shot him a confused look.
"What? It looks less suspicious!" Fives whispered trying to cover her body completely.

"We are stealing a supposedly dead person! How much less suspicious can we get?!" Echo sighed.

"Shut up both of you the coast is clear, let's move out!" He pointed to the ship.

The clones walked towards the ship keeping the body in the middle of the group.

They had just loaded up the ship when Rex hear someone call out.

"Rex?!" Anakin yelled, "IS IT TRUE!? Did you ask him to be the one to shoot Ahsoka down, when you knew she was innocent!?! What is wrong with you!?" He screeched and the clones around them began to stare.

"Sir, if you could just let me explain-" Rex stuttered. Trying to come up with an excuse.
"Oh, Kriff it." Was all Rex said before taking his blaster switching it to stun and firing.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Echo yelled at him.
"Just load him up!" Rex groaned as he bent down and dragged the body up the ramp.

"Where do we go Rex?" Fives asked for the cockpit.

Rex thought for a second, they needed to get away from Corusant.

"Tatooine take us there!" Rex called out form the other side of the ship as he gazed at the two unconscious bodies of Anakin and Ahsoka and smiled.

I might update again today just depends

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