Chapter 17

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Anakin's face turned into a frown almost as soon as he saw Tatooine in the viewport of the ship.

It was pretty and it sure as hell wasn't the kindest,
But it was the safest for Ahsoka at the moment.

And that was all that mattered.

"I have a place where you guys can stay while you are here that I know." Anakin said to the group of men.

"Your not coming?" The quite voice of Ahsoka quivered.

"I can't Snips, I need to go back and find out who really bombed the temple." Anakin tried to explain.

"Ok." Ahsoka said sadly. She tried her best to change her mood. She knew her family could really use their Little'un right about now.

"I would say I missed this sand ball." Ahsoka joked and giggled afterwards. The clones gave a smile and chuckle at their little joy who was back on her feet already.

Once the ship had landed the clones made sure to stock up on any supplies they would need. But they decided it would be best to change into their civies inside of carrying around a bunch of heavy pieces of plastoid armor in over 100 degree heat.

"Where are we off too?" Ahsoka asked putting a hand over her eyes to try and block out the bright suns.

"You need to head off in that direction," he point west. "You should run in with a family called the Lars and their moisture farm."

"What's a moisture farm?" Hardcase asked.

"Nevermind that, who are the Lars?" Echo cut Hardcase off.

"Old friends." Anakin said a bit quietly. "Tell then Anakin Skywalker sent you and you will be fine. You will want to go now if you are going to make it by sunset."

Ahsoka gave him a look that said 'we will talk about it later' "Stay safe master." Ahsoka said to Anakin as she went it for a hug.

Anakin gladly accepted the hug and pulled her in close.

"Please, take care of her." Anakin said to Rex.
"Don't worry sir. We got her." Rex comforted.

Ahsoka gave Anakin a half hearted smile as Anakin walked back up the ramp into the ship.

They watched as the ship took off and disappeared into the sky.

"Ready to go learn what a moisture farm is?" Fives teased Hardcase nudging him with an elbow.

"Shut up Fives." Hardcase whined in embarassment.

"Come on guys." Rex groaned as he lightly took Ahsoka's shoulder and motioned for her to walk ahead of the group with him.

She replied with a nod.

Once they were far enough away from the rest of the group Rex decided it was time to talk to Ahsoka about what happened.

"I never got to tell you guys Thank you." Ahsoka said softly just in case the clones could hear from behind.

"No thanks needed you would have done the same." Rex said with a smile towards Ahsoka as they continued to walk under the hot suns.

"Speaking of what you guys did?" Ahsoka asked hoping Rex would get the hint.

"We asked Tarkin to let us handle- it, and when it did happen we shot you instead with a stun blast that held a vital suppressor-"

"So I seemed dead to the world. Good plan." She said with a light chuckle.

"What about Anakin?" Ahsoka asked.

"We didn't want to endanger him so we did it without him-"

"Then how did he end up on the ship?" Ahsoka asked cutting him off.

"We ran into him while we were smuggling you off, he was causing a scene so we stunned him and took him along." Rex explained.

"Wow," ahsoka laughed and Rex smiled. "Never pegged you as the captain to stun his general."

"You should have seen Kix's face." Rex laughed as he mimicked a terrified face and Ahsoka laughed again.

"Are you guys talking about me?" Kix called out from the back of the group.

"Of course not Kix!" Ahsoka called back to him with a giggle.

"Yeah, we were talking about how Hardcase doesn't know what a moisture farm is!" Rex called out with a laugh.

"Hey??!" Hardcase cried out. "I don't see anyone else knowing what it is either!!" He tried to defend himself.

Ahsoka just laughed.

"I missed this." Ahsoka said to Rex.

"Me too." Rex said with a grin.

"I'm tired!!" Fives whined which earned him a groan from everyone in the group.

"Well maybe not that." Ahsoka chuckled.

"Hey, if you ever need to talk about anything, you can always come to me you know that right?" Rex asked in a serious quiet voice.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'll be fine don't worry about me." Ahsoka reassured him.

She was lying and they both knew it.

Ahsoka felt that at any moment she might break down and sob.
She tried to think on the bright side, but a tiny tiny part of her wished she could go back and change the blaster setting off of stun.

She felt betrayed by her order and by the republic.
Most of all

She felt angry.

A little dark side twist, after all it is Tatooine😳

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