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A/N: Originally thought of making this story have multiple shots. But I felt it won't justify nor quench my thirst of satisfaction. So I made this as a separate story... Hope everyone continues to read.. Thank you.

Everyone would be around 28-29.


"Wow Meredy-chan, you look so beautiful. Juvia is sure Lyon-san will once again fall head over heels for you." 

I beamed with happiness after seeing my best friend in the white wedding gown which made her look like an angel. I hugged her and patted her back.

"Thank you Juvia-chan. If it wasn't for your recommendation for this make-up and hairstylist at the last moment, God knows what would have happened to me."

" Aw Meredy-chan, you are beautiful even without these makeup.
     These are just extra touch ups which makes you look ravishing for tonight's occasion.
    Now are you ready to go? The car has arrived. 
    But before that 'Congratulations Meredy-chan'. Juvia's really happy for both of you."

I broke the hug and smiled at her which she reciprocated back.

Then I helped her by collecting the back side of her long gown so that she doesn't trip.

Once we sat inside the car which Lyon-san had sent for picking us. Then we began to discuss about the wedding destination as Lyon-san has kept this piece of information under the dark for a long time so that he could surprise his fiancee.

"Meredy-chan, has your cousin and his family arrived? Why don't you call them and verify? Juvia is worried as the ceremony would begin in an hour." 

I looked at her for an answer with a worried look as I didn't want any delay in her wedding due to small things. 

Meredy-chan caught hold of my hand and squeezed, 
"Juvia-chan, stop worrying. You always do this and stress yourself out for my sake. 
   I called them and you know what your worries are baseless because he, his wife and their daughter have arrived already this morning along with some of their friends. 
    Now they are with Lyon and also helping him out. And you know what my cousin and Lyon's cousin are friends.
    Finally you are going to meet all of them for real. This time you can't escape."

I smiled and sighed in relief as if I have held my breath for a long time,
 "Juvia just doesn't want to be an intruder when you or Lyon-san visit your cousins which happens once in awhile.
    That's why, she never came with you both.
       Moreover, Juvia remained ignorant and never got a chance to know about them personally.
     But Juvia guesses this time no escape. Surely she will meet both of them."

But the smile on Meredy-chan's face turned into a sad frown and she began to zone out.

I don't know what made her suddenly change her good mood but it's my duty to keep her happy.

So in order to bring back that cute smile on her pretty face, I made funny faces and tickled her a bit.

As expected she cracked into fit of laughter and finally back to her real bubbly self.

Once the car stopped at the "Happy Times Beach Resort", we were spellbound for two things. 

Firstly, this resort was one of the expensive beach resorts in Hargeon and secondly, from the current location, it looks a beach side wedding theme which Meredy-chan always dreamt of.

"I can't believe he booked this resort for our wedding. I'm really awestruck. Lyon, I can't wait to see you now." 

Meredy-chan covered her mouth with palms and began to shed happy tears as he correctly guessed her choice of wedding theme and made it reality even if they were financially behind.

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